Roman (Ch.12)

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"It's been two weeks and WE STILL HAVEN'T FOUND ANYTHING!" I slammed my fist down on the table startling everyone around it.

"Roman we've been looking. We've been utilizing our resources to their fullest extent, it's only a matter of time..."

"Kiddo we all miss him. We're all worried about him, but fighting amongst ourselves won't help." Patton just sat there, stone-faced and focused on the papers in front of him. He's been like this since Virgil was taken. Deceit assured us that Marcos would never hurt Virgil. He said he in that deluded twisted mind of his he cares deeply about Virgil. But if that true then why hasn't Virgil left, or at least gave us a clue as to where he is. Does he want to leave? Does he want to stay there with him?

"Why haven't we found him?" 

"The valley is clouded. It's not something you can just go through. Even the most powerful mages get lost. Once you get lost..." Emma was trying she was. She lost many of her soldiers to it. I would never ask her to continue risking her people. Not when Deceit is out there himself. I want to find him. I want to bring him back. But how?

"We could form a search party over on the western side. Use the rest of Elphabas flying monkeys, and survey the area around there as a starting point... But with not being able to enter the Valley there isn't much else we can do." Logan threw his pencil into the air before realizing his anger and forcing it to come back. He's gotten a lot stronger with his magik. 

"It wouldn't be over there..." I looked down at the map lost in thought.

" It seems like it would be too obvious and pointless. Besides, why would they have their base so close to the one that was dedicated to hunting them?" I was trying to think. Everything just wasn't making sense. Except I know war, I know how people think in battle. It's the one thing that did make sense.

"I would put it the farthest away." Logan was joining in on my thought process, writing down everything we all said.

"Wouldn't work. The farthest from the western base is the Eastern base. Which specializes in intel and covert operations. You would be discovered and infiltrated before you realized what had happened. There would be no way for them to hide from Emma."

"What about the north, kiddo? That was the place they first went to right? It would make sense."

" I don't think so." Everyone was just staring at me by know. I didn't care I was in war mode. All of this is far too similar to the Sacred War against the Dragon Witch. Son-of-a-bitch even had the nerve to say I kidnapped his son. I was what 5 when he declared war on us. He never even had a son. He was nothing but a stupid psychopath bent on a bloodbath. "The Valley has a weak spot there, it's a path to and from the hollow."

"That would be a good thing, so why wouldn't they be there." 

"That's where the Dragon Witch's Castle was. It may have disappeared after his death, but there is still too much evil there. He wouldn't dare take the man he 'loved' anywhere near it."

"That's where they are." I stared at Emma. She said it with such conviction. "The only place he would have taken him would be there."

"Are you sure kiddo, Roman said it was too dangerous."

"Not for Virgil. In fact, it would be the safest. I can't believe he actually found it."

"I'm sorry but Virgil should be as far away from that fucking castle. It is nowhere near safe. The Dragon Witch was a demented and twisted man. He's darkness corrupted everything in its wake, even magic itself." I was losing it again. She doesn't know what I know. She's just a child. SHe wasn't there. The dark evil taint that rolled off of him like fog, it's not something you forget. And when he grabbed me... The cold of his hands burned my skin like liquid nitrogen. It took everything I had to put my sword through his heart. His blood even froze the blade so much it shattered apart.

"Roman there are things about Virgil none of you know..."


"It's my job. Mine and my brothers."

"The. tell. us. what .we. don't. know." She smiled apologetically and looked down at her feet.

"I'm sorry, but I can't."

"We have a location, of sorts. What else do we need." I was losing my hope. What don't I know about Virgil? Why is it always him? WHy does he have to suffer so much? Why can't the universe give him a break?

Why am I always too late to help him? Even now I can't do shit. It's been two weeks and we only now found a location... of sorts. What is the hell wrong with this fucking world to always have to target him? He's a good guy. He doesn't deserve any of this shit. He never did. So... Why?

"Well, we need a more precise location. Deceit can handle that though when he comes back." She shook herself out of her thoughts and returned to the papers on the table. " We need support, supplies, and manpower."

"How long will that take?"

"Two months at the earliest... If we rush and are very lucky."

"TWO MONTHS!" We all yelled. That's just insane Virgil is with that psycho in that castle alone. And with our luck it will be far longer, we need to get him out of there.

"We need men, and we are at the bottom of all our supplies."


"I know how you feel but I'm telling you he will be fine. As long as he stays in that castle, nothing will hurt him."

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" She just turned around and took a deep breath, mumbling to herself so that no one can hear.

"Because the castle will always protect its owner."

"What was that?"


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