Virgil (Ch.15) <3>

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"Good morning." I woke up to Marcos' eyes looking back at me. I wrapped myself around him and positioned myself above him.

"Good morning." I kissed his forehead before jumping out of the bed to take a shower. It's been two months since he brought me here. Two months of being back with him. I never thought I would love it so much after how he broke my heart but... That doesn't seem to matter anymore. 

After the shower, I put on my prince outfit that Marcos had tailored for me. Putting it on always felt weird. To me, Roman was the only one of us who could wear one. I never even thought I would. But then again, I never even thought of this place as my home. The place where I would belong. I guess a lot of things can change. I walked into the study and into Marcos' arms.

"What's on the schedule for today?" I ask as I go and sit at the desk. Since Roman's birthday, I have started taking my responsibilities more seriously. This is my kingdom and no one is going to do it good besides me. 

"Nothing much just a gathering to celebrate your return," Marcos called over as he sipped his tea. I never understood how he could drink the stuff. I'll stick to my coffee thank you.

"Why are we only doing that now. They've all known I've been here for awhile now?"

"That is true but your return wasn't official." I raised my eyebrow slightly in response. He just laughed and kept drinking his tea.

"And what, may I ask, made it official. Was it when I never left? No that means nothing. What about when I started to actually work? No by then you had already made the plans. So what was it huh?" I smirked and narrowed my eyes, teasing him slightly." Oh, I know. It was when I took you to bed... Wasn't it?"

Marcos began choking on his tea, spitting it out everywhere. I broke out laugh my ass of for the first time in such a long time. I had handed Marcos a napkin when a man came in holding a tray with my coffee.

"Finally!" I yelled as I ran over, grabbing the cup and sipping it before I managed to spill it. The man just stood there with a look of confusion on his face. " You can just place the tray on the table, thank you." The man just nodded.

"We still have to go over the guest list."

"The gathering, or should I say party, is tonight." Marcos stuck his tongue out and then went back to his list. "Ok so what do you have... so far?"

"Just some people from the kingdom, we don't have very many nobles since the war."

"What about the Vale or the mind space?" I started getting the feeling I was being watched but whenever I looked around I didn't see anything. Nothing but the man making room for the tray on the desk.

"I did but... Your father wasn't very well liked by the other lands. They painted him in such a poor light as well as his kingdom. No one wanted to come. I didn't ask the Sanders Sides, however."

"Oh, why not?" There was that feeling again. I don't understand it.

"Well, I thought that decision should be left for you. Would you like me..."

"Absolutely not. If they want to join me here they can do it on their own." The man finished setting the tray down and started for the door.

"Darling you should at least see them if only to tell them your decision."

"Why? Where does it say I have to do anything for them. I've been here for 2 months and the only thing I heard from them is that Roman doesn't care. I know where I belong." I say as the man shuts the door behind him. I watched as Marcos started to smile in that psycho style he does.

"Bloody brilliant."

"It is, isn't it?" I say as I whisper into his ear. I watch him shake slightly before pulling back and going back to the desk. "By the way who was that man? I haven't seen him around before."

" Oh he's a new guy, just finished training last week."

"Wheres he from?"Marcos shook his head and the pieces fell into place. "I'll be back."

I blew the power and shrouded myself in shadows as I made my way through the castle. I could hear people yelling about a power outage and how dark it was. I had to keep myself from laughing at the craziness. Finally, I spotted the man talking with one of my maids. I released the shadows and I watched the shock form on the maids face. I put my finger to my lips and she calmed down. The man didn't seem to notice... good. I moved my head towards the hallway I came from directing her its time to leave. She did, leaving the man utterly confused.

"Can I help you with anything... Deceit." He spun around shocked to see me there behind him

"I'm sorry I don't..."

"DECEIT!" He cringed and then sighed. His form glitched and faded to reveal a very upset Deceit. I crossed my arms on my chest, took a deep breath, and sent a pulse of energy into him knocking him against the wall. "Was this your big plan. Have the big bad Deceit spy on the poor damsel and his kidnapper. That way you can report back to the princely hero, who will swoop in and save the day. Did you really think that would work?"

"Well, he wasn't the one who noticed, Was he?"

"You're not wrong." I said as I started laughing. He tried moving his hand to his pocket so I sent another pulse of energy. He flinched in pain as the wall behind him push up farther against his spine. Then I got the best idea.

"You D?" He looked back at me with spite, and my smile immediately fell. "Since your going back there anyway. Why don't you tell the boys something."

"Yeah? And what would that be Your Highness?" I brought myself closer, looking him right into his eyes. "Tell them they are formally invited to party tonight. I would love to see you all there." He just gave me a dirty look in response. I got even closer to him until my mouth was right next to his ear, whispering softly. "Don't be late."

And with that I placed my hand on his shoulders and warped the shadows around him, forcing him through a tear in space until he was no longer there. I hope I sent him to the right place...

I wouldn't want him to have been teleport into a volcano...

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