??? (Nightmare)

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AN~ Just a reminder, there may be triggers like anxiety attacks, self-hate, blood, and so forth in this story.  Other than that please enjoy!!! I'm sorry if this chapter is a little hard to understand I was unsure how to do what I wanted without making all these separate posts.


July, 15th

I was in the dark. It was cold and it was loud. It sounded like people were fighting... Like a battle straight out of a movie. It got louder and louder. Lightning crashed next to me lighting up the battlefield for only a second. Just enough time for me to see a tree being flung right at me. I ran so fast I almost tripped right onto my face! Lightning kept on crashing nearby lighting up the battlefield as I ran. There were monsters all around, in every direction. Wierd black things throwing trees and flinging themselves around. Not to mention the fact that the trees where whipping their branches about just like the weird back things. It was like I teleported right into some fantasy world next I'll see...

I stop when I fell something wet below my feet. The lightning was no longer lighting the dark. There was just sound reminding me it was still there. That the battle was still raging behind me. I knelt down and put my hand on the ground hoping that maybe I could tell what it was, but it was too dark. I couldn't even see my own hand. frustration and fatigue got the best of me and I fell to the ground. I don't understand what is happening. I don't even know where I am.  I close my eyes and somehow drift off as my clothes start to soak up whatever I was in.


August, 21st

It's been a month now having this dream. At least I think It's a dream. The first night I put my hand in something wet and when I woke up, It was red and gross. Like... Like I had put it in blood. I was so stupid. I'm in some sort of battlefield obviously there would be blood...

I run to the right a little and head all the way to the back wall. Just managing to miss the lightning and the tree before it would have hit me. I've been here long enough to learn things but. every time I come back there's something new. Well, not really.  It's more like, it lets me know more. Like when I first got here it was completely dark, now it's not. But no matter whats going on I can't seem to figure out why I'm here. I thought at first it was my mind taking a scene from a movie I watched and... I don't know. But, this isn't from any movie I watched. Of course, I'm pretty sure the heroes aren't actually weird mannequin doll looking things with magic.

And to top it all off I have never got past the part where the one that wasn't doing anything started to move. It's like there's this part that I'm missing. How am I supposed to know what this is telling me if it's not going to give me all the information? How am I supposed to figure it out?


September, 30th

Another month and I've practically memorized every single damn move that's made. But, I still no idea what its trying to tell me. I don't get it at all! Ok so... There are 4 people fighting the black tar-like humanoid monsters. Yeah I did my research when I was awake. Logan was incredibly happy, even though he didn't know what it was about. Anyway. There are 4 monsters. And what i assume to be 1 dead hero. I hate that its only showing me some of whatever is going on. It should show me all of it. I'll settle for the beginning, at least for now. How did it start? Why are they fighting? Why are the monsters only targeting the heroes that are fighting it and not the one that's just standing there? Why is that one not helping the other heroes? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?

SHIT! I wasn't paying attention and a tendril flung at my cutting into my arm. I fell to my knees holding the cut as blood started to cover my hand. Patton's going to lose his mind if I wake up with a fucking cut on my arm. and I don't even want to think of how Virgil will react.  

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