Virgil (Ch.6)

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"GUYS!!!" Wait I know that voice. "GUYS WHERE ARE YOU!"

I look up to find a bird sitting in the tree above me. I lifted my finger and called out to it. The bird looked right at me and jumped down, landing on my finger. I waved my hand over it and watched as its feathers turned purple.

"Go find the cat that's yelling." It nodded and flew off in the direction back home. I braced myself as pain sparked through my body, making me go all ridged. I overextended myself using magic other illusion based. It put to much strain on my body. Trying to keep my illusion up right now is really stupid and painful, but I have to. I have...

"Agggh" Pain shoots through again far worse than before. My illusion wavers and I curl up into myself.

"Virgil, kiddo, what's wrong." Patton jumps out of the wagon and sprints over to where I am lying. I can tell he's scared. After all, his son did just cry out in pain.

"I'm fine Patton. Weren't you supposed to be so exhausted you couldn't move?"

"My son is hurting. That's more important right now." He grabbed a hold of my hand and held it tight.

"Seriously I'm fine! Thanks though." I pulled myself up, despite how dizzy I was, and walked back over to the wagon. I quickly grabbed ahold of the handles before I could fall. It was my fault. It's always my fault. They're after me and now I got the others involved. I should have made them stay while I went to go help Elphie. Though I still would not have been any real help. Then afterward I should have stayed in the vale far far away from the others. Now even Thomas is involved. I have no idea why he still won't go home. All I had to do is protect Thomas but I brought the danger right to him. After I get Deceit help, I... I'll figure out what I have to do.

You know what you have to do. Come home. Come home, Draak.

I gripped my head in pain, falling to my knees as I did. It was like he was screaming in my head. The other began to freak out, but I was in too much pain to do anything.

Why do you fight me? Why do you deny who you are? Who you really are?

He wasn't going to let up anytime soon.

Are you ignoring me? You can't hide forever. I will find you.

"Shut... up" I was breathing too hard to talk straight. My heart was beating a mile a minute and my head was spinning so much I could see shit. Why can't he just leave me alone?

Where do you plan on taking that brother of yours? You can't take him to your base. It's destroyed. 

"Not completely." Everything was going black. The voices of the others were slowly fading and all that was there was me and... him.

Your future doesn't belong there. You belong here with me.

"No, I don't. I never did. Besides, I lov-"


"SHUT UP! shut up, shut up! Please! Just stop." I felt as tears fell from my eyes like my own two personal waterfalls. Two arms went around me and light flooded back. I hadn't even realized I put myself into a fetal position. I was lifted off the ground and placed onto someone's lap, head resting on their chest. Their heartbeat slow and calming. The warmth of their body chasing the cold of mine away. 

He's wrong. He has to be. Roman cares, right. I mean he said... I know he'll never care for me the same way but he still... Right. Or am I just deluding myself again? I mean come on Virgil, He's a prince and your a... a... It doesn't matter. Just do your job and keep Thomas safe. Nothing else matters. Nothing!

"Is he ok Roman."

"I'm not sure. He's cold."

"I don't understand." Why do they keep talking? I thought everyone was tired. I thought people needed rest. If they aren't going to take this break then we'll just keep moving then. I tried to get up but whoever was holding me just held tighter. They refused to let me go even for a moment. I just laid there, eyes closed, and burying myself into them. 

"He's cold. His skin is ice."

"Roman that's physically impos..." I felt a hand touch the back of my neck. It burned against my skin causing me to move deeper into the person holding me. 

"Logan? What's going on with my son?"

"Has this ever happened before?" The voices just won't stop. I can't even tell who is who anymore. My mind is foggy and begging for sleep, but I can't sleep until I get Deceit some help. Nightmare curses don't just go away. They can mess with people until they no longer can be considered people. The only reason Roman is ok, is because I killed the nightmare that charmed him. Otherwise, he would be in the same state. At least this time Roman was here to put him to sleep. None of us could have done it and Deceit would have suffered if he hadn't.

"When he get's upset sometimes... he can feel all little colder than normal but..."

"It's normal for him." That's a different voice. The bird must have found her. I was worried she wouldn't have found us. She had gone out before everything had happened and didn't come back. Honestly, I was glad she hadn't gotten all caught up in it all. Bast means the world to me. If anything had happened to her... Well, I suspect it would be like if Patton lost one of us. She was there for me in the vale. Of course, at that time she was just a cat... As for as I know.

"What do you mean it normal for him, how does running 30 degrees below human temperature, if that, normal!"

"His body isn't like yours in all actually you shouldn't even..."

"Bast do not say another word." I said as I finally pried myself out of what turned out to be Romans arms. I should have known, but I guess my mind was just too fuzzy. Still kind of was.

"But Da- Virgil, They should know about."

"I SAID STOP!" Bast just looked at me with sadness in her eyes but she understands. SHe can't push me with these things. I'll tell them, eventually... but not if I don't have to.

"Ok Breaks over."

"Virgil wait none of us know where we're going." Roman got himself off of the ground, picking up Bast who just turned back into a cat after I yelled at her.

"Eastern Base, Deceit's home."

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