Thomas (Ch. 5)

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"Feel my heartbeat. Feel my breathing, and feel my aura. You have nothing else to worry about. Sleep now, so that tomorrow you can help us again. Sleep now so that come tomorrow your fears will be gone. Please sleep." We all watched as the other me's eyes finally closed. His breathing shuddered slightly before finally evening out. The other Thomas's image started to waver, which freaked me out even mere. I mean, an hour ago everything was normal and now. Virgil just waves his hand over the other me and the flower turning it into a bed in a wheeled wagon. The other me still had his image distorting itself. I wonder if it hurts. It seems like it would. We all watched at his hair lightened with hints of red. His skin tanned and his clothes turned black. But... it was the snakeskin that was the nail in the coffin for me.

"Deceit." I hardly even whispered it. I was beyond shock. Forgetting the fact that he looked like me, and forgetting all the magic shit that all of us used... INCLUDING ME... What shocks me the most was what he said. He was afraid. He was honest and he was afraid. Those words ripped through me again as the memories of just this morning played through my mind. I was so horrible to him. I never even took into consideration that there was a person underneath the lies... Virgil knew. He knew the real Deceit. The one we never knew existed. That's why he always dealt with him. That's why he left with him. Wait! That man before, the man in the room. The one that laughed at my jokes, and made stupid comments. The one to shy to even share a single thing about himself. That was Deceit, wasn't it? Virgil called him D. and just now Deceit called Virgil v while he looked like me. He... THAT'S IT!

"OK, YOU ARE ALL GOING TO TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!!!" Those things... There the same ones from my recurring dreams. The monsters that fought the weird mannequin heroes. They were exactly the same. But If they were the same then that means... No, it can't. My sides didn't show up until last nights dream. I don't care if Virgil looks exactly like in my dream I refuse to think the heroes were them. because... if they are then... What does that mean? What was my last dream telling me?

"Thomas, maybe you should go back home. It's not safe. Not anymore."


"Thomas please, Language." Patton just about yells back at me. I can't go back not after that. What if they need me? what if they get hurt? Or worse, and then I just change. It's not like I'll know or even see a difference in myself. I'd completely lose them without even a chance to help them. I don't want that. I don't want to lose them. Besides If my dreams were real then... Virgil needs me. I WON'T LET THAT MAN TOUCH HIM!

Virgil just grabbed the handle of the wagon and started to leave. Everyone followed along, of course, they were all yelling at him for answers. I could see he just wanted to get Deceit some help. I don't know what happened to him but I know its bad. It didn't even stop when the monsters left. What did everyone call them? Nightmares? Sounds like an appropriate name, they sure look like the came straight out of nightmares.

"Right now I need to focus on getting my brother better." It was the only thing Virgil said the entire way. My mind just kept racing over everything I saw. The mind palace was destroyed. Deceit was unconscious and Patton was on the verge of tears. Ok, I just have to think of this as a dream, like its just another one of my freaky dreams. If it were a game... The monsters attacked and won with a game start advantage. Their level was way higher and it didn't help that only two of the party did anything.  They took down our base and a member of our party. 

"Virgil We've been walking forever. How much longer till you'll actually tell us anything?" 

"Roman! There is no need for the attitude, kiddo." Roman honestly looked fine but Patton looked like he was about to collapse. I'm exhausted as well. We've been walking for what an hour, maybe two. Deceit was still asleep, and without knowing what happened to him I don't know how to help him.

"Right now our objective should be to find Deceit some help. However, Patton and Thomas both need rest. I suggest a small respite before proceeding." Logan wasn't wrong. Patton was so tired he ended up tripping over himself. Logan picked him up with no trouble and was holding him bridal style as Virgil just kept on walking. I don't think he is aware of whats going on. "VIRGIL!"

That caused everyone to stop. Logan was just standing there holding Patton. His face looked as neutral as it usually does but it was the first time he yelled. Well, yelled something other than falsehood. 

"There is a branch of the Day program just up ahead. We can rest there, Thomas and Patton can sit in the wagon with Deceit. Is that good enough?"

"What is up with you. You really have turned into an emo nightmare."  Virgil whipped around dropping the wagon handles in the process. Roman didn't even flinch. Has this happened before?

"What was that PRINCEY?" His voice warped like crazy, I thought that only happened when he got too anxious. Like when we all in his room for too long and when we were in Patton's room for... to...long. That's not what it glitched, is it? I can't think about this right now.

"You... are... being... a... nigh-" Virgil had him on his knees in a matter of seconds. I guess this is why they were scared of him this morning. Roman just stared at Virgil with a smirk. I was about to run to help when Logan's arm went across my chest. Next thing I know Roman's laughing like it was the worlds funniest thing. Virgil just rolled his eyes and collapsed on to the ground.

"Your such an ass."

"Kiddo language." Virgil stuck his tongue out and laid down, his purple hair turning brown as his image began to fade and change. I heard him whine a bit in pain as he was changed back to how he looked earlier.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did." I'm confused again. Why can Virgil and Deceit change how they look? Why did Roman laugh like a lunatic when Virgil attacked him? Why did they fight anyway?

"Your exhausted, Virgil. Even more than Patton over there in the wagon." Roman said as he got himself more comfortable on the ground. Logan had gone in the wagon with the other two.

"I'm... f-fine." No, he wasn't, he was in pain. I could feel it. He's worried for Deceit. Guilty of the attack, though I don't know why. He's in physical pain over whatever he's doing. He is not ok.


"GUYS!!!" Who the hell said that!

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