Avengers Fair: Part 3

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The third and final day consisted entirely of Bruce and Tony's station. The two scientists had developed a device a few days before the fair for the students to test out. In addition to testing it out, the groups were also able to come up with ideas on how to help with Bruce's latest project. To finish it off the day, Bruce and Tony purposely left fifteen minutes at the end for a question and answer session.

Peter didn't bother asking them anything and stayed in the back, but Ned moved forward so he could be closer to Bruce and have a higher chance of getting a question asked. From next door, Peter listened in on Natasha's presentation again and wasn't paying attention to what was being asked until he heard his name. His head snapped forward and he saw Flash looking at him with a smug look. From up front, Tony looked a little unsure and Bruce was staring at him in surprise.

"Um, no, I do not know Peter," Tony said, giving Peter a cautious glance.

They hadn't discussed how to go about answering that question. However, Tony knew he'd messed up when Flash looked victoriously at Peter.

"I knew you were lying, Penis!" Flash taunted, pointing at Peter then pumping his hands.

He stopped when he saw Tony frowning deeply. From the back of the group, Peter couldn't move. He was trapped staring at Bruce and hoping he wouldn't turn green. From what he could tell, he was struggling.

"What did you just call my son?" Tony asked quietly

Flash's face dropped and he began to stutter.

"YourYour son?" Flash stuttered. When Tony didn't take it back, Flash looked hastily at Peter. "It's-It's a joke. We're best friends, right, Peter?"

"I have to go, Bruce muttered, stumbling away and running towards Wanda's booth.

The team had quickly discovered that Wanda could calm Bruce by entering his mind and drawing forth calming memories. In situations where civilians were in possible danger, they often took advantage of it.

"Peter, explain," Tony said, looking at Peter. Peter still couldn't seem to move and his mouth was dry.

"Flash is a friend?" Peter tried, raising his eyebrows. He knew his dad wouldn't leave Flash breathing if he admitted Flash bullied him.

"Yeah, now the truth?" Tony demanded, giving him a look.

Peter didn't say a word, but Tony didn't need him to say anything to know what was actually going on. He turned quickly on Flash and raised his finger at him.

"I've never heard of you before, boy, but that doesn't mean I don't know you bully him."

"I-I don't, sir," Flash argued. Tony's eyes narrowed.

"I'm going to count to three and if you're in my sight, I'm gonna get in my suit and make sure you won't be coming to school for months," Tony threatened.

Flash nodded and ran before Tony even started counting. He was off school grounds by the time Tony reached three.

Turning to the remaining students, Tony said, "Get out of my sight."

They raced off and Peter was left standing in front of Tony.

"Dad, you can't do anything," Peter said, rushing forward to stop Tony from searching out Flash.

"You never told me you were being bullied," Tony said. Peter glanced down and fiddled with his hands. "Peter, did you tell anyone?"

"No," Peter admitted quietly.

Tony sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Peter looked up at him and gave him a look.

"There's nothing anything you can do about it," he argued. To himself, he muttered, "It's not like the school cares."

"Peter, you still should have told someone."

Peter rolled his eyes.

"Well, now you know," Peter told him, raising a hand between them.

Before Tony could reply, Natasha and Clint came running over and asked what had happened.

"Peter's being bullied," Tony said before Peter could stop him. Clint frowned and Natasha's eyes narrowed. "He didn't tell us because he didn't think we could do anything about it."

"I'll do something about it," Natasha said, looking around for the culprit. "Where is he?"

"He ran off when I threatened him," Tony said. Immediately Natasha cursed him out in Russian for letting him get off without getting in trouble.

"It's not a big deal," Peter exclaimed, stopping Natasha from cursing out his principal too. "Now that Dad spilt the beans about me being his son I doubt he'll bother me anymore."

"You told them?" Clint asked, surprised that Tony had so quickly told their secret.

"He called Peter 'Penis'!"

"Who did?" Sam demanded, crossing his arms as he, Rhodey, and Steve joined them to find out what the problem was about.

"A kid that's been bullying him," Clint said. Bruce groaned as he approached the table and Wanda glared at everyone, raising her hand to calm him back down.

"Can we not mention it right now?" Bruce said, fighting the green on his neck.

"Where's he at?" Sam asked, glaring at everyone around.

"He's a coward." Natasha glared at Tony again. "He ran when Tony threatened him."

"I would have too," Rhodey admitted with a shrug. They all turned to look at him and he raised an eyebrow. "The dude bullied his kid. I wouldn't want to be around that."

"Can we just forget it? He'll leave me alone now," Peter said, between all the team. "He knows I'm related to Dad now, so just drop it."

The team didn't look like they wanted to drop it.

As an after thought, Peter added, "Besides, you're stressing out Uncle Bruce and I want ice cream."

"Fine," Tony agreed. He gave Peter a sharp look. "This conversation isn't over, though."

Peter was already walking back to the car, but under his breath he muttered, "Of course it isn't."

Tony frowned.

"What was that?" he asked.

Peter's eyes widened and he continued towards the car faster.

"Nothing, Dad!" he called back. 

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