Avengers 2.0

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This is a different take on the first Avengers movie. It takes place in the helicarrier.

Peter was pretty sure this was the coolest place he'd ever been. He didn't care how worried his parents seemed or how many people in black were running around; he was on a boat turned helicopter and he couldn't keep still.

In order to let Tony get his work done, Pepper had offered to take him around with Maria. Peter hadn't slowed down at all, running everywhere with Pepper and Maria barely able to keep up.

"I'm sorry," Pepper told Maria for the third time. "He's always like this."

Maria just smiled and waved Pepper off as Peter pressed his face against a window and looked outside.

"I'd be the same way if I was an 8 year old on this thing."

Pepper smiled and pulled Peter off the glass, telling him not the smear it. Peter frowned but was quickly distracted by a scientist working in a nearby lab.

"Look, Mama!" he exclaimed, pointing into the lab. "He's like Daddy but with a fancy coat!"

"Yeah," Pepper smiled, recognising the man immediately. "That's Dr. Bruce Banner."

"Awesome!" Peter yelled, despite having no clue who Dr. Banner was.

Soon he moved on and Pepper and Maria followed him down the halls, talking quietly while he explored every inch of the helicarrier.

* * * * *

Tony was freaking out. Not only was New York under attack, but it was under attack by a god. As soon as SHIELD had called him for help, he had packed up his things, told Pepper to pack up hers and Peter's, then forced them both onto the flying fortress without a second thought. There was no way he would be leaving them in New York with such an imminent threat, but he was still freaking out.

"You're Captain America," Tony said, pointing at a man in a leather jacket.

The blond nodded and he frowned.

"My dad was practically in love with you. Bet you knew Howard, huh?"

"Stark? Yeah, he was a good friend," Captain America said. Tony snorted. "I'm Steve, by the way."

"I know that," Tony replied. He turned away from the spangled soldier and towards the familiar redhead. "Natalie."

Natasha rolled her eyes and corrected him. "Natasha."

Tony shrugged and walked over to a computer. "Same thing."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Maria warned, leading Dr. Banner into the room.

With a wide grin, Tony walked over to him and held out his hand.

"Dr. Banner! Huge fan."

Dr. Banner smiled and shook Tony's hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Stark," he replied, releasing Tony's hand.

"Tony, please," Tony replied. With a glance back towards the Captain, he said, "Mr. Stark isn't a name I'm particularly fond of."

Spinning back around, Tony's eyes landed on Maria. He frowned when he noticed neither Pepper nor Peter were with her anymore.

"Where's Pep?" he asked. What was the use of leaving his wife and son with a super-spy if she left them?

"Looking around still," Maria answered.

Tony nodded and his eyes widened when a large blond man walked into the room wearing a cap and smiling widely.

In a booming voice, the man said, "Greetings!"

He stepped to the side and Tony saw Peter proudly carrying a large hammer with Pepper behind him. So that's where they'd ended up.

Maria nodded at him. "Thor."

The man, Thor, grinning at them then motioned to Peter.

"This is my new friend Peter," he introduced proudly and beside him, Peter beamed. "He possesses the power to rule my planet, though we agreed to wait until he has grown in age."

"Which means never," Pepper said, glancing at Tony then back at Peter.

Peter began to whine but one look from Pepper made him stop. When he saw Tony, however, he dropped Thor's hammer and raced over to him.

"Daddy!" he screamed, jumping into Tony's arms.

Tony smiled and picked up the small boy. "Hey, squirt."

Peter hugged him tightly then squirmed out of his arms. Talking a mile a minute, he told Tony all about the helicarrier and only stopped when he spotted a familiar red-haired woman.

"Remember me, Peter?" Natasha asked.

Peter tilted his head to the side then grinned. Ducking around Tony, he jumped towards Natasha and exclaimed, "Auntie Natalie!"

"It's Natasha now, kid," Tony corrected, getting a scowl from Natasha and a confused frowned from Peter.

"Natalie was my fake spy name, Peter," Natasha explained, drawing Peter's attention back to her.

Behind them, Tony rolled his eyes.

Peter gasped. "You're a spy?"

Natasha smiled and nodded.

"That's so cool!" Peter said breathlessly, staring at her with wide eyes.

"You think that's cool?" she teased. With a glance behind her, she said, "Captain America is right there."

She turned around with Peter still in her arms and pointed to Steve. At the sight of Captain America smiling at him, Peter's face turned red.

"He's real?" Peter whispered to Natasha.

Natasha laughed quietly and nodded. "Yeah, go say hi."

She took him over to Steve and introduced the two. To Tony's delight, Peter didn't stay with Steve liked he'd expected. After saying a shy hello, he raced over to bury his red face in Tony's waist. After that, Pepper took him out to continue exploring so the heroes could talk.

"You have a son," Steve stated.

Tony looked unamused as he nodded and poked Bruce who let out a yelp.

"Yeah," Tony replied, poking Bruce again. "Is the green guy just a myth?"

He poked Bruce again and the scientist laughed, swatting Tony.

"No," he replied, "And he'll beat up both Iron Man and Captain America if they can't agree."

"Fair enough," Tony said, pulling his hands behind his back and turning to Steve and Maria. "What's the plan, Cap?" 

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