Sorry, Bullying at Stark Industries is Illegal

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Peter wasn't sure if he was lucky or not to have spent the night at the Tower. Usually, May said no to sleepovers with Tony on weekdays, but Peter and Tony had both came to the front door of Peter's apartment and begged. May was impressed that Peter had gotten Tony to literally beg, so she had allowed it under the one condition that he be on time for his school field trip the following morning.

Tony and Peter spent the night in the lab working and watching TV until Pepper told FRIDAY to kill the connection. After that, they had gone to bed and woken up to bacon and eggs sitting on the kitchen counter beside a note from Pepper reminding Tony to get Peter to school on time.

"I wish they would just let me show up on my own," Peter said, buckling his seat belt as Tony shot out of the garage. "I'm just coming back in an hour. I could have slept in."

"That would have upset your ridiculous sleep schedule," Tony teased, giving Peter a look as he rolled his eyes. "You have your permission slip and lunch?"

Peter patted his pocket where his Stark phone (a birthday gift from Tony) and permission slip were.

"Wait, I don't have a lunch," Peter said, looking in the backseat just in case one had appeared there.

Tony sighed. They were already too far from the Tower to turn around and grab something and the restaurants they passed were all too far off the freeway.

"I'll bring something down when you stop your tour for lunch," Tony promised. While he would have just given Peter money for the cafeteria, he wasn't sure the cafeteria was where they'd be eating. His class might eat outside on the lawn. "Text me where you stop for lunch and I'll bring you a sandwich or something."

Peter nodded. Despite choosing not to tell Tony about Flash, he had spent a decent amount of time making Tony promise not to give him any extra attention. With the excuse that other kids would get jealous and ask questions, Tony had promised to leave him alone all day until the end when he was required to do a Q&A with the kids. Just to be safe, Peter had given Tony strict instructions not to talk about, talk to, or even look at him under any circumstance.

As they pulled into the school parking lot, Tony asked, "You're all set?"

Peter nodded and once Tony parked the car, he opened his door.

"Text me when you get back to the Tower. Don't roll your eyes at me! I just want to know when to hide and when to deactivate FRIDAY to acknowledge your presence."

"Alright," Peter agreed, stepping out of the car. "Bye!"

The door slammed shut and Peter bounded off towards the school bus, handing the permission slip to his teacher then climbing on board. Once Peter was safe and inside, Tony pulled out of the parking lot and returned to the Tower.

* * * * *

Peter followed the group of students around the Tower. A lot of the floors he hadn't actually been on before, so he allowed himself to look around and enjoy the tour. Of course, most of his classmates found the labs to be the most interesting, but Peter found them one of the more boring parts of the tour. Compared to Tony's lab, the SI labs were lacking. Heck, Peter's personal lab was more high tech than this one.

"Hey, Penis!" Flash called from across the room, "Is this too lame for you?"

Peter sighed from where he stood beside Ned.

"I bet you're gonna say you've been to Tony Stark's personal lab so this is way below you."

Ned and Peter shared a look that didn't go unnoticed by Flash.

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