How to Fix the Avengers: A Guide by Peter Parker

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Tony wasn't sure how good of an idea this actually was. At first he'd thought it was brilliant, then Peter had thought the same thing and now he wasn't too sure. Pepper didn't seem to care, making sure he knew that if his intern got hurt in the process, she was on May's side, but that wasn't necessarily reassuring.

Peter had tried to convince him everything would be fine and if something wasn't fine, well, May didn't need to be told. He could just stay with Tony for the night. Even though there was no backing out now, Tony still wasn't sure it was a good idea. The Avengers were finally reassembling a year after their battle at Leipzig and it was only minutes before they showed up. Despite seeming hesitant, but they had all promised to come.

The wait until they arrived, however, was more anxiety inducing than either Peter or Tony had expected.

"Peter, if you don't get off the ceiling I'll call Steve right now and tell him to go home," Tony threatened, not even bothering to swat at Peter with a broom. It was still webbed to the wall from the last time and it hadn't done anything other than make Peter stay on the ceiling longer.

"But it's fun!" Peter argued.

Tony gave him a look and Peter dropped from the ceiling. As Tony yelled, Peter groaned. He hadn't meant to drop so fast and had landed on his face and stomach.

"This is why I have the baby monitor protocols!" Tony told him.

From where he'd landed on the ground, Peter flipped him off and kept his face buried in the carpet. Tony rolled his eyes and pulled their dinner off the stove.

"Come help set the table," he said, hoping to distract Peter long enough he'd stop leaving footprints on the walls.

Thankfully, it worked as Peter got off the floor and walked over to the kitchen. He set the table while Tony dished the food into something other than the pot it had been cooked in. They had just finished putting food on the table when the lift dinged and Steve walked out with Sam, Bucky, Wanda, and Clint.

"Hey, Tony," Steve said, his exhaustion seeping into his greeting.

Behind him, Sam and Bucky bickered quietly while Wanda glanced around the penthouse. Clint looked disinterested until he saw Peter staring at him, then he frowned.

"Why's there a kid?" he asked, pointing at Peter.

Steve frowned as well and looked at Peter as if just noticing him.

"Oh, this is Peter," Tony said, putting an arm over his shoulders. "He's my personal intern and a big fan of the Avengers. Peter, you already know all of them so I guess introductions are over."

Peter gave a small wave and Steve held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, kid," he said, giving Peter a firm handshake.

"You too, Captain America," Peter replied with wide eyes.

"Just Steve is fine," Steve assured him.

Peter nodded and watched Steve walked over to the table. The others followed and sat down right as Natasha and Rhodey walked in, making them all get back to their feet to greet them.

In Peter's opinion, dinner went well. He didn't hear too many arguments and no one commented on Tony's food, so he considered it a success. In an effort to keep things going well, he offered to do the dishes while the Avengers caught up in the living room.

He was humming to himself happily when he heard a loud crash followed by a string of angry Russian. Without bothering to dry his hands, he raced into the living only to find it was a disaster. Everyone was yelling at each other and Peter's ears were beginning to ring. He tried calling out for to calm down, but it didn't seem to work. As a last resort, he jumped onto the ceiling, crawled to the centre of the living room, then let go with his hands. With his head a metre away from hitting the floor, he successfully got everyone attention when he shouted.

"Stop fighting!" he yelled.

The room went dead silent. Peter dropped from the ceiling, ears still ringing, and stared at all the shocked faces.

"How did he do that?" Clint asked after a few seconds.

"I'm Spider-Man," Peter weakly answered, shrugging slightly.

He might as well tell them now that they had seen him hang upside down. Besides, these were the Avengers. Keeping secrets was basically like breathing to them, right?

Unfortunately, his announcement only brought on more shouting.

"You brought a kid into a fight?" Clint demanded, glaring at Tony.

"God, I dropped a loading dock on him," Steve said, looking horrified with himself.

Rhodey tried defending Tony while Sam argued that it didn't matter if he was a super human, he was still a kid. The voices only got louder when Steve chimed in and suddenly everything was too loud.

"Too loud," Peter whispered, covering his ears.

The action caught Tony's attention at once and he rushed over to Peter to cover Peter's hands with his own. Peter closed his eyes tight and tried to ignore the voices that were slowly stopping, but by now it was too late.

"Head phones," Tony whispered to Rhodey.

He nodded and ran into Peter's room to find the headphones Tony had made for him. Sitting on Peter's desk, they were easy to find and soon Rhodey was running back into the living room.

"What's happening?" Wanda asked, watching from the side of the room.

Even though she'd whispered, the words echoed through Peter's head painfully and his eyes closed tighter.

"Sensory overload," Tony explained shortly.

As Rhodey returned, he gave Peter the headphones and Peter pressed them to his head tightly. It took several minutes before he looked back up at Tony and could breathe again.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. Tony shook his head and hugged Peter tightly. "I didn't mean to ruin tonight's dinner."

"You didn't," Tony assured him. Peter sniffled and Tony rubbed his back. "It's not your fault our arguing set off your senses. We'll do better next time."

He gave everyone sharp looks and they hastily nodded in agreement.

"Are you alright now, kiddo?" he asked. Peter nodded and pulled away, tugging off the headphones slowly. He sniffled again but no tears fell.

"You should have seen your faces when you saw me upside down," Peter said, looking around at the Avengers.

He began to smile and then laugh. On the coffee table, FRIDAY projected an image of their faces and slowly the rest of them began to laugh.

When Peter was sure they had all relaxed and weren't ready to shout at each other again, he convinced them all to watch a movie in an attempt to repair their dinner. After agreeing to let Peter choose, they all settled in and the room fell silent. With a small smile, Peter curled up on the couch and looked around the room. It seemed that evening had been a success after all.

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