Stand-In Parent

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Tucked away in the very back of the bleachers, Peter was trying not to yell in both panic and irritation.

"Why would you do that, Ned?" Peter hissed at his friend.

"I was worried!" Ned replied defensively, "Flash broke your nose and a rib! I had to tell Morita!"

"You didn't have to do anything!"

Ned didn't seem sorry, though, and Peter knew he was just trying to look out for him, so he tried not to be too angry.

Sighing, Peter apologised. "I'm sorry, it's just, May already works really hard and now she has to get time off."

"I was just worried," Ned muttered, glancing at Peter.

"It's okay," he lied, "I guess she would have found out anyway."

He didn't want Ned to think he hated him, but he certainly didn't want Ned to ever, ever tell a teacher about Flash again. Before he could say so though, the bell rang and school ended.

Peter didn't hurry. He took his time changing and even took a nice cold shower despite not getting sweaty at all. By the time he had changed and grabbed his backpack, he had five minutes before he had to meet Principal Morita, May, Flash, and Flash's parents in the front office. Ned had meant well, but now Peter had an intervention meeting to discuss the bullying. What he hadn't told Ned was that it had resulted in Flash taunting him even more about not having parents.

Just outside Morita's office, Peter sat one seat away from Flash to wait for May and Flash's parents. Unfortunately, Flash's mom was the first one to arrive.

"Eugene!"Mrs. Thompson exclaimed, hurrying over to her son. "What's this about a bullying problem?"

"Peter's been bullying me and Evan finally told Morita after I got beat up," Flash lied immediately, jumping to his feet.

Mrs. Thompson turned to glare at Peter and he sighed. In hopes of seeing an encouraging message from May, he pulled out his phone. While May had texted him, it wasn't encouraging. Since one of her patients had gone into cardiac arrest, she was stuck at the hospital and couldn't make it.

Sighing, Peter looked up at Principal Morita.

"Principal Morita?" he asked, "My aunt can't come, so we can just start now."

"Very well." He beckoned the three in and told them to sit. "We'll get started then."

Right before the door closed behind them, someone yelled for them to wait.

Peter froze. He would know that voice anywhere.

"Sorry I'm late," Mr. Stark said, joining them in Principal Morita's office. "Got the invite a little late."

The Iron Man suit disappeared into his arc reactor and he sat down beside Peter, ignoring the surprised look on Principal Morita's face.

"Mr. Stark?" Principal Morita asked.

Mr. Stark nodded, sitting down beside Peter and smiling at him.

"What are you doing here?" Principal Morita asked with wide eyes. Shifting in his seat, he said, "This is a private meeting."

"Yes, it is," Mr. Stark agreed, "I'm here in place of May. Her patient went into some awful medical thing—"

"Cardiac arrest," Peter mumbled, barely getting a word out as Mr. Stark talked over him.

"—and she couldn't make it so she sent me," he told the principal, "Now, what's this all about?"

"Your kid has been bullying and beating up my son!" Mrs. Thompson exclaimed, hugging Flash to her chest.

Mr. Stark raised an eyebrow at her doubtfully and Peter sighed.

"Actually, it's the other way around," Principal Morita said, still staring at Mr. Stark with wide eyes.

Mr. Stark put an arm on the back of the chair Peter sat it and leaned back.

"One of Peter's friends came to us very concerned after Flash broke his nose and ribs. The friend provided photographic evidence of Flash attacking Peter, so I called you both in here to discuss what was going to happen."

Mr. Stark frowned and behind Peter, one of his hands clenched into a fist.

"Discuss what's going to happen?" he asked, shocked, "That kid is going to be expelled! He hurt Peter beyond just a simple bruise."

"My son would do no such thing!" Mrs. Thompson objected, hugging Flash tighter.

Peter stayed quiet and Mr. Stark took a deep breath. He removed his arm from around Peter and leaned towards Principal Morita.

"You're going to expel that boy or I'm going to get those photos and destroy this school's reputation," he warned.

Principal Morita looked rightfully upset. "Now, Mr. Stark, you can't do that."

Mr. Stark raised an eyebrow and tapped his ear where a small device sat. "I can do it right here without so much as lifting a finger."

"Mr. Stark," Peter grumbled, elbowing him sharply. Mr. Stark was unaffected.

"Now, expel him or I'll ruin Midtown High's reputation and take my kid out of this dump."

Despite their audience, Peter grinned when Mr. Stark called him 'my kid' and Mr. Stark noticed. He gave Peter a small smile and leaned back, looking expectantly at Principal Morita.

"Given the circumstances of the attack," Principal Morita said slowly, glancing at Mrs. Thompson, "We do have to expel your son even without Mr. Stark's threat."

Mrs. Thompson did not look as thrilled as that news as Mr. Stark did.

"You believe this boy's lies?" she shrieked.

Principal Morita grimaced at the sound and Peter jumped, his ears ringing for a few seconds after.

"Ma'am, please remain calm," Principal Morita said, raising his hands to calm her down.

That did the exact opposite. She screamed and Peter covered his ears tightly. Mrs. Thompson stood up, grabbed Flash's arm, and pulled him out of the office, telling him they would find a better school since Midtown turned out to be corrupted.

Once they were out of the office, Mr. Stark stood up and nodded at Principal Morita. "Thank you, Principal Mango."

"It's Morita," Principal Morita corrected, looking at them both warily.

Mr. Stark didn't reply as he wrapped an arm around Peter and asked, "How about we get some ice cream?"

"I could go for ice cream."

Mr. Stark smiled. "Good," he said, "Then ice cream it is." 

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