Go Big or Go Home

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Peter and Michelle decided that in order for them to truly go big or go home, they would have to wait for a major event the press would already be covering. They did go to a movie, but they were careful to make sure nothing of their relationship leaked to the media. Now, nearly two months since the media had officially met Peter, they had come up with what Michelle deemed the perfect plan. With any luck, they'd be given a bit more freedom after announcing their relationship.

It was hard to go out without Peter being recognised which, of course, had been date nights hard up until now. Peter didn't really like the attention, but his mom and dad were rather skilled at keeping the press from getting too close or from poking in places they shouldn't be. For the most part, the only reports that got published were mundane ('Do You Enjoy Fruit Loops? So Does Stark's Son, Peter! Read More Inside'). That didn't mean he liked it. The attention made it more difficult for him to go out in public as himself, but especially so if he wanted to go out as Spider-Man.

"Are you almost ready?" Pepper yelled down the hall.

Peter jumped out of his thoughts and hastily tied his tie. Tonight was his first time at a big public event Stark Industries put on as well as the night Michelle had dubbed their 'Go Big or Go Home Night'. Unfortunately, this was just all the more reason for Peter to be nervous.

"Yeah," Peter yelled back, grabbing his phone to see a text from Michelle announcing that she was at the Tower.

He walked into the living room just as Michelle walked out of the lift. While Peter had known his mom had taken her dress shopping just for tonight's event, he made a mental note to thank her again for all her wonderful talents. One such talent being knowing what looked best on Michelle.

"Hey," Michelle said, walking over to Peter.

After a heated argument with his mom, Peter was thrilled to see Michelle had gotten her way as was wearing flats.

"You look nervous."

"Of course I am," Peter replied, kissing her cheek. "I've never been to one of these before."

"You'll be fine," Michelle assured him, resting her hand on his arm.

He smiled, but they were soon interrupted by Tony and Pepper walking into the living room together, arguing about whether or not Happy should drive.

"Happy can drive the kids," Pepper suggested. After all, they couldn't fit all four of them and Happy in one car comfortably.

"Or we could take the limo."

Pepper sighed and looked at Peter and Michelle.

"Which would you prefer? Happy driving you two, Dad driving all of us, or the limo?" Pepper asked.

Peter looked at Michelle, but he already knew the answer.

"Go big or go home," they both said.

Pepper nodded.

"Limo it is," she said before turning away to call Happy and tell him to get the limo.

The ride to the event wasn't that long but when they pulled up in front, dozens of reporters surrounded the car on instinct. Peter felt his heartbeat rapidly and subconsciously reached over for Michelle's hand.

"We'll get out first and hopefully draw them away," Tony assured them.

Peter nodded, regretting their idea already. If he knew anything about the press, he knew that night was going to involve a lot of cameras and people throwing questions at them.

"You'll be okay," Pepper promised, leaning forward to kiss Peter's cheek.

Sliding smoothly out of the limo, Tony led the way forward with Pepper on his arm. As expected, the paparazzi surrounded them as they slowly made their way up the stairs. However, a large number of reporters noticed the car didn't drive away and waited for Peter to get out.

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