Raffle Winners

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"Did I ever tell you who won the raffle?" Tony asked, walking into the kitchen where Peter was working on frosting a gingerbread star even though it was early November.


Peter bit his lip, focusing hard on putting the perfect finishing touches on his gingerbread star. Grinning, he set the white frosting bag down to grab the red one.

"I doubt I would care, though."

Tony shrugged, grabbing a free cookie and eating it all in one bite. Pepper really did make the best gingerbread. Even if it was only November and much too early for Christmas, he couldn't help but enjoy it.

"I think you will," Tony replied.

Peter glanced up at his dad who grinned.

"One Mr. Olsen, sponsor to the Midtown High grade 11 class, won it and scheduled a class tour for next week."

The frosting squirted across the counter as Peter gripped it too tight.

"What?" he yelled, setting the frosting down. "He can't do that, can he?"

"The winner gets a full tour of the Tower," Tony said, wiping some frosting off the counter then eating it. "There was never a limit on how many people could come. Besides, Mom already confirmed it."

Peter's eyes bulged and he looked towards his mom as she walked off the lift.

"Mom! Are you trying to kill me?"

Pepper looked surprised and confused for just a moment.

"First of all, don't yell at me or no Spider-Man for a month," she said, giving him a look.

Peter promptly shut his mouth tight and nodded, murmuring out an apology.

"Second of all, you'll be fine," she promised, rubbing his back as she stepped into the kitchen. "Dad has meetings all day except for the end where there's a meet and greet. Besides, Happy is doing your tour and you know how he is."

Peter groaned. "But still."

He turned back to his cookies after Pepper gave him a warning look. At the sight of frosting on the counter, he groaned again and scooped it up with his finger. He licked it all off and Pepper scolded him.

"Peter! Don't eat it."

Peter scooped up the rest of the frosting and licked it happily, ignoring the look his mother was giving him.

"I deserve this," he said, washing his hands off. "I have to go on a tour of the Tower with my class, so I deserve this."

Pepper didn't agree.

* * * * *

Peter had made a list of just how many ways today could go wrong. At the top was his dad skipping meetings which was, unfortunately, a pretty high risk. Before leaving for school, he had made sure Happy knew not to even look at him during the tour and to make sure he gets a guest badge. The last thing he wanted was for someone to ask about his full access pass. Walking in through the front doors beside the rest of his classmates, Peter could only hope things would go well.

Happy met them at the front desk and didn't even look at Peter as he said, "Welcome to Stark Tower."

Some of Peter's classmates turn to their friends and giggled, making Happy roll his eyes as he grabbed the basket of badges.

"Please take a badge and follow me. And please, for the love of god, don't lose these."

Kids swarmed Happy and grabbed a badge. Ned grabbed one for himself and one for Peter, handing it to Peter excitedly.

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