Please, Mr. Stark?

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So this isn't really people meeting Peter as Stark's son, but it is Tony's employees seeing Peter as someone who can convince Tony to do anything. Enjoy!

Peter liked hanging out with the employees at Stark Industries. Whenever Tony had a meeting or couldn't be with Peter the minute he arrived at the Tower after school, Peter would go hang out with the lab workers and talk with them. With a little luck, they had new ideas that he could help them out with or a problem for Peter to solve. Sometimes it took multiple days and he would delay meeting Tony for an hour or two while he helped solve a particularly difficult problem. Today was one of the days Tony was in a meeting, though, so Peter didn't feel bad about going to the regular SI labs to talk to the employees who were now his friends.

"Hey, Peter," James smiled, waving as Peter walked in.

Peter waved back and jogged over to James's work station. Although a fairly new employee, James was close enough to Peter's age that he had quickly become someone that Peter would consider a friend. When James had an issue with an SI project, Peter could often be found hunched over the desk beside him as they tried to work it out together. Today, however, James was working on a personal project.

Standing beside James, Peter looked down to see what he was working on.

"I didn't know Stark Industries was developing a public version of FRIDAY."

James fumbled with his plans and turned a little red.

"It's not," he said sheepishly. Peter frowned in confusion. "It was just an idea I had: your own personal AI that can watch the house and help you with things, but Amazon and Google already have something similar."

"But anything from Stark would be way more advanced," Peter pointed out.

James nodded.

"You should tell Tony!" Peter insisted, "He'd love the idea."

"No. No, I don't think that's a good idea," James stuttered, shaking his head quickly.

Peter rolled his eyes and grabbed James's arm.

"Come on," he said, pulling James out of the lab. "I'll even come with you to talk to him. He's not scary."

"That's because he likes you!" James exclaimed, flailing his arms.

Ignoring James's protests, Peter pushed him onto the lift and they headed up to Tony's office. The whole ride up, James couldn't stop fidgeting and muttering about how this was a bad idea. He was so worried that Peter pulled him aside once they reached Tony's office and looked at him.

"It'll be fine," Peter promised, trying to be reassuring.

James wasn't very sure. His eyes were wide and still darting side to side quickly.

"What's so scary about Tony?" Peter asked with a small frown.

"He'll fire me!" James whispered in a panic. He leaned forward as if telling Peter a secret and said, "I heard that if anyone presents an idea to him and he doesn't like it, he'll fire them and they'll never get a job again. I don't want to live on the streets!"

Peter rolled his eyes.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard," he said drily. He tugged on James's arm. "Tony loves new ideas. Trust me. Besides, I promise I won't let him fire you."

That seemed to do the trick because James nodded and let Peter lead him into Tony's office.

As they walked in, Tony was just finishing his meeting and shaking hands with the man he had been talking to. The man smiled and nodded at Peter and James as he walked out.

Beside Peter, James gulped when the door shut and Tony Stark looked at him.

"Hey, Peter." Tony smiled. Peter grinned back. "Who's your friend?"

Peter pushed James forward who stumbled a bit. His face got hot and he avoided eye contact with Tony.

"This is James," Peter introduced proudly. "He works for you and he has a really good idea for getting even with Amazon and Google."

Tony looked interested in that idea and turned to James. Peter nudged James forward and hestuttered through his explanation before waiting anxiously.

"I think it's a great idea," Tony said after a few seconds.

James visibly relaxed and Peter shot him a congratulatory grin.

"Go ahead and head up the project," Tony instructed, smiling encouragingly at James. "You're in charge. However, I don't want you using FRIDAY. I bet you're smart enough to create a new AI if I give you the basic foundation, though."

He held out his hand and James shook it.

"Thank you so much, sir," James said excitedly, shaking his hand perhaps a little too energetically. "You won't regret it."

"I know I won't," Tony said, patting James's hand then letting it go. "When Peter sees a good idea, it often is a really good idea. Good luck."

James nodded and stumbled out the door. Once he was out of Tony's office, he let out a victorious yell then raced back down to his lab to tell his friends.

"Kid, you have got to stop bringing me employees with ideas," Tony said, slinging an arm over Peter's shoulders and guiding him out to his private lift.

"But they're good ideas!" Peter protested.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean Stark Industries can support every one of them," Tony told him.

Peter shrugged. With a sly smirk, he looked up and Tony and said, "Perhaps one day I'll find someone who has an idea on how you can."

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