Matching Jammies

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My new short story 'Romanov's Boys & Their Day at Disney' is now out! Go give it a read!

It was a good thing Tony Stark had what Pepper considered a too-large amount of confidence, otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to walk into the board room wearing an Iron Man onesie.

He smiled politely at the board members, saying a very quiet 'hello' but not sounding any less confident than normal. Staying quiet, Tony walked across the room and one by one, the board members noticed the sleeping child on his shoulder who just so happened to be wearing the exact same onesie. As Tony took his usual seat at the table and carefully sat down, the board members watched in both awe and confusion. Noticing their stares, Tony encouraged them to take their seats and begin.

"This is just like every other meeting, just quieter."

They nodded and sat down, albeit still confused. It took ten minutes of Tony guiding the meeting before the board members began to lead forward themselves and he was able to lean back and listen.

Partway through the meeting, they were interrupted by a small voice. "Dada?"

Tony looked down as Peter pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes with one hand then blinking up at Tony.

"Hey, buddy," Tony said quietly, rubbing his back soothingly.

The room went silent as everyone turned to watch Tony interact with the child, Peter.

"Did you sleep well?"

Peter nodded.

"Where's Mama?"

Tony brushed a stray curl off Peter's forehead.

"She has to go to a big, boring meeting in Paris," Tony said, sticking his bottom lip out and pouting.

Peter smiled at him and curled up against his chest, tucking his head under Tony's chin. "Can we go to Paris?"

Tony kissed his forehead and smiled before promising, "Maybe after I finish my big, boring meeting."

With wide eyes, Peter looked around as if just realising he wasn't at home.

Around the room, the board members stared back. Peter quickly turned and hid his face in Tony's chest.

"I'm sorry, who is that?" a man asked, pointing to Peter.

"This is my son Peter," Tony said, glancing down at Peter with a smile.

The man nodded and turned back to his presentation, but didn't continue speaking.

After several seconds of silence, Tony spoke up. "Are we done here, then?"

A few of the board members looked at each other and some nodded.

"Great." Tony stood up and adjusted Peter in his arms. "Let's go see Mama in Paris."

Without further dismissal, Tony and Peter left the room in their matching red and gold onesies to board a jet.

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