Ross's Last Mistake

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Cause we all hate General Ross from Civil War and he deserves this.  Warning: There are descriptions of torture, but they are not terribly graphic.

Peter was terrified. One moment, he'd been peacefully sleeping in his room (which was rare) after a fun evening with Aunt May. The next, a team of government officials were breaking down the door to his bedroom and pointing guns at him. He had woken up to find a man yelling at his men to hold him down and get his hands behind his back. The rest of the memory was blurry, but Peter could vaguely recall Aunt May screaming for them to stop and hearing something about the Accords. Everything else was too blurry and after feeling a prick in his neck, he'd woken up in a glass room.

"Hello?" Peter called, walking towards the wall and looking around. Every other cell was empty. He was alone.

"Don't try to escape."

Peter looked around the cell for the voice and spotted a small speaker in a corner. Underneath it was a video camera.

"We have the power to sedate you if need be."

"Where am I?" Peter asked, looking at the camera. What was going on?

"You're at the Raft."

Peter had never heard of the place, but if the midnight greeting and tranquillizer were anything to go by, he wasn't going to like it.

"Please sit quietly until someone can come down to record your abnormalities."

Peter frowned. Did they mean his abilities?

"Why am I here?" he asked.

There wasn't a response. Peter waved wildly, trying to get the voice's attention. Instead, he got a powerful shock from something around his neck. He dropped to the ground, muscles spasming as the neckband sent a powerful electrical current through his body.

When it finally stopped, he didn't move. What if it shocked him again? What if it did something worse? Rather than test the limits, he decided to just stay put as he had been told. Hopefully Mr. Stark would find him soon.

* * * * *

Tony was furious. When he'd gotten the call from May in the middle of the night, he'd thrown his phone at the wall. The sound of it crashing to the floor and Tony's angry yelling had woken Pepper.

All May had needed to say was that officials had stormed their apartment and taken Peter in order for Tony to know who was behind it. How Ross had figured out that Peter was Spider-Man, however, Tony had no idea. He'd been careful in making sure Ross had no reason to suspect him and hadn't even introduced him to the kid just to be safe.

"I have to go," Tony told Pepper, shaking from anger as he stepped into his suit.

Pepper grabbed his hand as he raced towards the door. He stopped but didn't turn around.

"Peter?" she asked worriedly. Tony nodded and she released his hand. "Give 'em hell."

"Oh," Tony laughed bitterly, "I will."

* * * * *

Peter didn't have a good feeling about this place. His spidey sense hadn't turned off since he got there. When people in lab coats appeared on the other side of the glass wall, it went crazy. All except for a tall, grey-haired man were carrying clipboards. Standing near the back, the tall man crossed his arms and stared into his cell as the people in lab coats advanced forward.

It didn't take long for Peter to recognise him as the man that had been in charge of the attack at his house. Thinking back to the attack, he began to panic even more. Had they hurt May? He hoped not. If Peter so much as heard a rumour they had hurt her, he would break down that glass wall and kill each and every one of the people standing in front of him. He wouldn't even blink either.

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