Best Bomb Squad

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Yeah, this chapter does deal with bombers at school, so don't read it if it might trigger you. It was a request for a threat at Peter's school and this was one of the only things I could think of.

Sure, Peter didn't like school. In fact, it was probably one of his least favourite places to be since the teachers either favoured him too much (which lead to bullies) or hated him (which made them bullies). However, that did not mean Peter wanted to hear someone call for a lockdown over the school intercom. It was mere seconds after someone got on their phone to try and figure out why that they discovered there was a bomber that had chosen their school for a target. So yeah, Peter didn't like school, but he didn't want it to be blown to bits whether he was inside or not.

"Dude, they're right outside," Ned hissed at Peter.

The teacher violently shushed them and Peter rolled his eyes. The bomber already knew there were people inside. No one shut down a school on a random Thursday.

"I have to get out," Peter told Ned urgently.

His Spider-Man suit was in his backpack which was still sitting by his desk. If he could just grab it and change in a bathroom, he could call Mr. Stark then go and delay the bomber.

"I'll distract the teacher," Ned promised, getting to his feet.

Peter nodded and got ready to run for his backpack.

As Ned drew everyone's attention by standing up, he yelled, "We're all gonna die!"

Just as Peter expected, the resulting panic was large enough to hide him as he rushed towards his backpack and out the door. He changed into his suit, dropped his backpack in his locker, then ran outside to confront the bomber.

"Karen, call Mr. Stark and tell him to get down here," Peter said, running out through the front doors and down the steps.

The bomber stood at the bottom of the steps, backpack over his shoulders and smiling widely.

"Spider-Man!" the man greeted warmly, making Peter hesitate.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Peter asked, slowing his pace and eyeing the backpack in the man's hands. "Got a bone to pick with someone inside?"

"Not anymore," the man said with a grin.

Peter frowned. What was that supposed to mean?

"He came right outside to me," the man explained, gesturing towards Peter. "Just like I was told he would if I threatened Midtown Tech."

Peter froze. This guy knew who he was. Well, maybe not exactly, but he was in contact with someone who knew Peter went to Midtown and that he was Spider-Man.

"Your friend Toomes tell you that?" Peter guessed. When the man nodded, he wasn't surprised. "I haven't heard much about him. How's he doing? What else did he tell you?"

Glancing over his shoulder, the man turned back to Peter and said, "He told me you like to talk a lot."

"Wow! He really does know me—Hey!"

If Peter had any doubt in his mind that this man knew Toomes, it was gone as soon as he pulled out the all too familiar alien tech and tried to shoot him.

"Let's just talk—" dodge "—this—" dodge "—out."

Peter dropped to the ground to avoid another hit.

"Man, I know I need to exercise more, but could we maybe not use the gun?" Peter asked, jumping back to his feet and up onto the wall to avoid yet another shot.

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