Ant Sized Bully Stopper

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Scott Lang hadn't been around Peter that much, but he liked to think they were friends. Peter seemed to enjoy his company well enough and Scott liked not being the only bug on the team (unfortunately, Peter insisted spiders weren't bugs so he was, in fact, the only bug on the team). Even though Scott knew he wasn't allowed to so much as talk to Peter until Peter was done in the lab with Tony, that didn't keep him from trying. As it was, Peter did pretty good at getting around him when he needed to which is why Scott was suspicious when Peter just stood there while he tried distracting him from going to the lab.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked, stopping in the middle of what he considered a very intriguing story.

"Nothing." Peter pointed behind Scott. "Can I get through?"

Shocked Scott stepped to the side and Peter walked by without another word. While Scott admittedly didn't know how spider-humans worked, he knew this was not it.

* * * * *

Peter groaned as his alarm went off. Going to school was never a particularly fun thing, but Flash was being more annoying than usual this week—something about it being his birthday, therefore Peter should be happy Flash was even paying attention to him. Really, that just made Peter want to disappear more. He was still sore from when Flash broke his rib after school yesterday, but he'd healed enough he knew he'd be fine by PE. Besides, he didn't want to worry Aunt May or Mr. Stark.

Aside from Ned being sick and not at school, Peter's didn't have a terrible morning. He stayed at his usual desk during classes and only began to worry about Flash when lunch arrived. With Ned out sick, the only friend he had was Michelle and even she liked to sit several seats away and read. Nothing against Michelle, of course, but Peter kind of wanted someone to talk to.

As Peter took his normal seat at the table, Michelle briefly glanced up from her book. "Hey, loser."

Peter nodded at her and unwrapped his sandwich. Unfortunately, he was only halfway finished with his sandwich when Michelle disappeared off to the library and he was left alone. Or at least he thought he was alone.

"Psst, Peter."

Peter jumped and looked around, but didn't see anyone nearby.

"On your shoulder."

Frowning, Peter looked down and almost jumped again at the sight of a very small Scott Lang standing on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed, looking around for anyone watching.

Undeterred, Scott sat down on his shoulder and looked around the lunchroom. "I'm here to protect you from your bully."

Peter's eyes narrowed. How did Scott find out about Flash? How long had he been on Peter's shoulder, anyway?

"I don't have a bully," Peter replied, almost going cross-eyed as he tried to look at Scott.

Scott rolled his eyes. Peter could try and lie all he wanted, but Scott had made up his mind not to leave until Peter safely made it back to the Tower.

"Sure you do," he said, "Cassie had one when she was in second grade. That's how I knew you were being bullied."

Peter groaned and glared at Scott as best he could.

"Leave me alone before—"

Peter was about to say before he got in trouble, but Flash interrupted him with a laugh.

"Talking to invisible friends now, Penis?"

Peter closed his eyes and sighed. This wasn't going to end well.

"Don't do anything," Peter hissed at Scott.

Flash smirked and Peter realised it really did look like he was talking to himself. Scott was too small for Flash to see.

"Leave me alone, Flash."

"But it's my birthday week," Flash said for the umpteenth time. "I can do whatever I want."

"That's not—"

Peter's eyes widened as Scott appeared behind Flash at his normal height. Around them, the cafeteria went quiet then erupted into whispers while Peter began to panic. Flash seemed not to notice the change in the atmosphere, however, which was about as unfortunate as Peter not realising Scott had left his shoulder.

"Meet me outside after last class, Penis."

Peter grimaced and Flash turned to leave, but froze when he saw Scott Lang standing behind him. The cafeteria went silent again.

"I'd be happy to meet you outside," Scott replied, popping his helmet open.

Flash shook his head quickly, trying to take back what he said, but Scott was still speaking.

"No, no, I'm sure you'll be able to explain to me why you were bullying my not-son kid person."

"Your what?" Flash asked, staring at Scott in confusion.

Peter mirrored his facial expression, just as confused by what Scott had said as Flash was.

"You heard me," Scott answered, "Now stop bullying Peter or I'll call all my ant friends in to take care of you."

Flash scoffed. "You can't control ants."

Peter dropped his head onto the table. Even with his face buried in his arms, he knew the second Scott summoned the ants as kids began to scream. Warily, Peter lifted his eyes just enough to see Flash jumping around, trying to brush off the hundreds of ants that were climbing up his legs.

As Flash begged Scott to call off the ants, Peter returned his head to his arms and groaned.

"Promise you won't hurt Peter?" Scott asked as Flash squealed again.

Flash nodded quickly, brushing more ants off his legs and chest.

Satisfied, Scott called the ants back and they disappeared the same way they had come. The moment he was free of the ants, Flash raced out of the cafeteria before Scott changed his mind.

"Are you done?" Peter mumbled, slowly lifting his head from the cafeteria table.


Trying to ignore the lingering stares, Peter went back to eating his sandwich.

"Hey, do you happen to have extra food? Cause I didn't pack a lunch."

"Who doesn't pack a lunch for school?" Peter asked, rolling his apple over to Scott.

Scott picked it up and bit into it happily. "Me." 

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