Bears Are Less Scary Than Moms

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Peter sat in his mom's computer chair, watching YouTube Vine compilations and spinning slowly. While Pepper had gone downstairs to help out a new intern fill out forms and get ready for their first day, Peter had been left to entertain himself in her office. He could have gone up penthouse, but Peter didn't like being up there alone and his dad was busy on a mission, so he was more than willing to hang out in his mom's office for an hour or so after school. Besides, when she was busy giving the interns a tour, Peter could listen to his vine over her Bluetooth speaker system without bothering her.

In the middle of his fourth YouTube video, FRIDAY's voice sounded over the PA. "Miss Stark would like you to meet her on the ground floor."

Peter frowned and turned off his Stark phone. Were they going somewhere? That was a quick tour.

"Tell her I'm coming," Peter said, jumping off Pepper's chair and hurrying to the elevator.

He got off at the ground floor and looked around for his mom. Her voice carried across the hall and he quickly found her speaking to an intern. With a little hop in his step, he pocketed his phone and walked up behind the new intern that was strangely short.

"Oh, Peter! FRIDAY successfully got you off your phone," Pepper said.

Peter rolled his eyes at her and she smiled.

"Peter, this is Eugene," his mom introduced, featuring to the intern in front of her. When the intern turned around, Peter choked on his own breath when he saw Flash Thompson and almost missed what his mom said next. "He says he goes to Midtown, so I thought you might know each other."

"Yeah, we know each other," Peter said, staring at Flash. Flash stared back, looking as surprised as Peter felt.

"Oh, good! I thought you might like to give him the tour," Pepper said, looking at him again. Peter wanted to tell her she had thought wrong, but he decided against it. "I'll go finish up in my office and when you're done, we'll head out."

He was glad when his mom stopped herself from kissing his head and decided to just nod at him.  It was likely she hadn't told Flash he was her son, but he also didn't want to give Flash anymore reasons to bully him.

"Okay," Peter nodded weakly.

They both watched Pepper leave then Peter took Flash around the ground floor. The walk was uncomfortable and quiet except for when Peter explained what little he wanted to.

"You'll be working on floor seventeen for the most part," he informed Flash as they walked into the lift. "All the other floors are off access and if you get caught on them without an advisor's permission, your internship will be terminated and you'll be asked to leave Stark Industries."

Peter knew the whole intern tour. When his parents were both busy and no one else would do it, Peter was often called to lead them around. So far he'd only done three, this was his fourth, but he knew the gist of what he was supposed to say.

"You probably think you're above me, don't you?" Flash said suddenly, breaking the tense silence.

Peter blinked, almost having forgotten he was giving Flash the tour and not a stranger.

"Just because you've worked here longer doesn't mean you're better than me," Flash grumbled, "I'm still more important and I'll make sure you don't forget it when I see you for work tomorrow."

"Oh, I actually don't intern—"

Peter was cut off by Flash shouting.

"Ha! I knew you were a liar!" he exclaimed. He crossed his arms and gave Peter a smug smirk. "I bet Mrs. Stark only knows you because you come in and regularly beg her for a job."

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