Hulk Isn't The Only Angry Avenger

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Tony was desperate at this point. Peter had been missing for a week, there still wasn't any ransom call, email, video, or anything that could confirm he was alive and he had no leads on what could have happened. He seemed to have just vanished off school grounds. All the surveillance cameras were blank, simply showing Peter leaving his classroom and then nothing. Even after he'd hacked the cameras to try and recover the erased footage, he discovered nothing had been erased.

He wasn't sure how Peter's kidnappers had done it, but they were good enough to avoid FRIDAY's attempts to uncover them. They were even successfully avoiding a very angry Black Widow, though she had just told Tony she had a lead so they weren't going to last long. Unfortunately for Tony, Natasha had also told him he needed to bring in the others to help which was something he didn't want to do.

"Trust me, Tony," Natasha said over the phone, "There's no way we're getting in and out with Peter if we don't have more help and firepower."

Tony sighed. "Fine."

He glanced at the living room where Pepper was talking to yet another police officer. If it meant getting Peter back, he'd tell the team.

"Send me your coordinates. I'll tell the team to suit up."

"I know you don't like it, but there's no other way."

Tony pursed his lips and nodded. "I just want my kid back."

"Me too."

She hung up without another word and Tony sent Steve a text, telling him to tell the team to suit up, they had a mission. A second after she hung up, Natasha sent him the coordinates. While FRIDAY got a jet ready, Tony walked over to Pepper and kissed her head, interrupting her conversation with the officer.

"Nat found him," Tony said and Pepper gasped, covering her mouth. "We're gonna go get him."

"Okay," Pepper said softly.

Pressing another kiss to Pepper's head, Tony left her side and walked into the balcony to suit up. He sent the quin jet to Steve and the others at the Compound then shot into the air. Letting FRIDAY take control of the suit, Tony didn't touch the controls until he landed in front of Natasha quite a while later.

Natasha crossed her arms as he approached. "You're alone."

Tony lifted his faceplate and looked around. They were in the middle of nowhere despite how confident Natasha was in their location. Unless Peter was hiding behind a tree, there was nowhere he could be.

"They're on the way," Tony said, waving a hand and telling FRIDAY to scan the area.

As if on cue, the quin jet appeared overhead. Within only a few minutes, it landed and Steve led the team out.

"What's this about, Tony?" Steve asked, looking around the woods just like Tony had.

"Kidnapping," Tony replied shortly.

Steve glanced at him warily but bit back a question about when they'd started treating kidnappings as emergency missions.

"They're holding him inside," Natasha said, stepping forward to explain the situation. "I've got a plan for getting in but any deviation will put everyone at risk."

Steve nodded and pulled his attention away from the surrounding forest to look at her. "What do you have?"

* * * * *

Peter huddled in a corner, arms around his knees even though he could feel the scabs on his back threatening to break open again. The room was silent and his breathing the only noise he could hear. He wasn't sure how long it had been since his kidnappers had last visited, but he knew it had been a couple of hours. Never before had he been so happy to be left alone for so long. The phrase 'bad attention is better than no attention' had turned out to be a terrible lie and Peter wanted to meet the idiot who thought it up.

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