Witches & Bullies

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Peter was glad his dad was gone. It meant that when he toured the Avengers Compound with his class, the chances of him being embarrassed went down. However, it also meant Flash would likely ask the other Avengers if they knew Peter and Peter wasn't so sure how they would respond. He was hoping they would say something along the lines of "why yes, through the Stark Internship", but he also knew none of them knew that lie and would probably say something stupid like "no." The morning before, he did try to give them all a short run down on what to do and what not to do during breakfast.

"Peter, Happy is waiting for you," Wanda said, knocking on his door. Peter came rushing out, draw string bag over his shoulder and phone in hand. "See you again in two hours."

"Yeah," Peter said, smiling up at Wanda. "Thanks for helping me explain."

"No problem," she said, pushing him towards the door. "Now go!"

Peter yelled a goodbye to everyone over his shoulder then raced out the door to meet Happy. Once he was gone, Wanda turned back to the living room where she found most of the team lounging around.

"How much do you think we'll embarrass the poor kid?" Clint asked. Steve gave him a look over his newspaper but Clint ignored it.

"I'd say five out of ten," Natasha said, painting her nails on the coffee table. "I have faith in us. Maybe not you and Sam—"

Clint yelled out in protest.

"—but the rest of us should be able to fix your mistakes."

"Just don't mess this up for Peter," Wanda told them, joining Vision on a couch. "He's really worried about what other kids will think."

"They always are at that age," Sam mumbled. "Can't we just embarrass him a little?"

Wanda gave him a sharp look and he knew that was a no.

He sighed but nodded.

"Fine. I'll just wait until you aren't around."

* * * * *

Peter could finally breath. The first part of the Avengers Compound tour was finished and they were eating lunch. Luckily, Peter had managed to find a spot hidden away from the rest of the group and Michelle joined him. Ned had gotten really sick the night before and neither the teacher nor his mom would let him come, but having Michelle around kept him from getting too lonely. While Ned wasn't very thrilled about having to stay home instead of visiting the Avengers, Peter had promised to bring him another time.

"Where's your lunch, loser?" Michelle asked, glancing over her book to look at him.

"Forgot it," he muttered, picking at the wood chips beside him.

Michelle sighed and a second later an apple was being chucked at his head.

"Thanks, but I can just run inside and find something," he told her, looking up at the Avengers Compound. He could see the someone walking around the living room of the Avengers's quarters, but couldn't tell who it was.

"Were you going to, though?" Michelle asked, knowing the answer.

Peter shook his head and thanked her again for the apple. As he bit into it, he looked around the yard at all the other kids that were chattering about the morning half of the tour. When they had finished their lunch, Michelle got up to throw her sack lunch away once she was done, but Peter just chucked the apple core into the woods. As soon as Michelle was gone, though, Flash and his friends appeared.

"Where's your little pal Tony? Did he ditch you today?" Flash taunted. Peter continued picking at the wood chips, hoping Flash would leave if he ignored him. "Hey! I'm talking to you."

Flash grabbed his shirt collar and Peter was forced to look up.

"Leave me alone, Flash," Peter said, pushing him back so he wasn't holding onto his shirt anymore.

"What's wrong, Penis? Scared you'll be rejected by the Avengers when I ask if they know you?" Flash teased.

Peter would have responded, but Wanda appeared behind Flash and he grinned.

"You might want to run," Peter suggested. Flash's eyes narrowed and he leaned over Peter again.

"Are you gonna hurt me?" he cooed.

Peter let Flash grab him and the moment he did, his hands were encased in red and pulled back. Flash stared at his hands in terror and turned around to see Wanda. His two friends had already ditched him, so he was left alone to face the angry witch.

"Are you bullying my cousin?" Wanda asked curiously.

"No—No, ma'am," Flash stuttered, shaking his head quickly. "Cousin?"

Wanda nodded and Flash gulped.

"You aren't going to bother him again, are you?" she asked. Flash's head shook even faster if possible and his eyes were squeezed shut. "I won't have to alter your mind, will I?"

"No!" Flash whimpered, daring to open one eye. "I promise I'll leave him alone."

Wanda nodded.

"You will," she agreed. She let him go and he went running off.  Sitting next to Peter on the ground, she asked  "How long has he been bullying you?"

Peter shrugged.

"Since the beginning of high school, I guess," he replied. Wanda frowned. "It doesn't really bother me when Ned's around. That's why it started: he was bullying Ned and I wanted him to stop, so he started bullying me. Thanks, though. I really appreciate it."

"Of course," Wanda said. Peter saw Michelle coming back, head in a book, and Wanda did as well. "I'll go. Enjoy the rest of your tour."

"I'll try," Peter promised.

He thanked her again before she flew back to the Compound and Michelle sat down across from Peter, not saying a word. Peter shrugged and went back to picking at the wood chips.

"So, cousin, huh?" Michelle asked.

Peter paled and she started laughing.

"Michelle!" he exclaimed, throwing a handful of wood chips at her and her book. She laughed and threw them back, continuing to tease him until they were called back to finish their tour.

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