An Angry Witch is a Scary Witch

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It's a little shorter than the last few, so I'm sorry about that.  However, I thought this was a cute idea to incorporate protective sister Wanda.

Wanda couldn't wait. She was the one picking Peter up after school and they were going to hang out for the afternoon. Despite not knowing the fifteen year old Stark very long, she had become best friends with him quickly. He was absolutely adorable and unlike others, he loved her magic. Like a little kid on Christmas, he would watch with wide eyes every time she used it. Sometimes it was too much of a distraction for him during fights, but coming to the rescue had become a bit of a game to the rest of the team. So yes, she loved Stark's kid. Sue her.

"Can I go in and get him?" Wanda asked Natasha, straining to see Peter from where they were parked.

Since Wanda couldn't drive yet, Natasha had come, promising to not interfere with the fun afternoon Wanda had planned. After a very, very short conversation with Peter, they had both agreed that Natasha was more than invited to join them.

"Yeah, he'd love that," Natasha answered, smiling at her. "He doesn't know you're back."

Wanda grinned, happy she could surprise him. Her last mission hadn't been gone long, but before she had left, Peter had been with Pepper and Tony on vacation for two weeks. Therefore, in her mind, it had been much too long.

"I'm gonna go in," Wanda told her, unfastening her seatbelt.

Natasha nodded and watched as Wanda all but ran into the school building.

Kids had already started coming out of the building, so Wanda was walking against the flow, trying to find room number 132. It took her a while but by the time she did, it was nearly empty. She was worried she'd taken too long and Peter had already left, but she soon realised that wasn't the case. Looking into the room, she found Peter and another boy completely alone.

"Stupid, orphan," the boy snickered, grabbing Peter's collar and pushing him against the nearby wall. "I bet you live on the streets. It's where you belong."

"Leave me alone, Flash," Peter grumbled, trying to duck away.

Wanda watched in horror as the boy, Flash, punched Peter. Peter cried out in pain and Flash smirked triumphantly. As soon as he turned around to see Wanda standing in the doorway however, he paled.

"Did you just hurt Peter?" she demanded angrily, red magic dancing on her fingertips. "Let me show you what happens when you hurt my brother."

Wanda pulled her hands back and shot her magic towards Flash. The red grabbed him and he screamed as it picked him up. With a flick of her hand, Wanda threw him down the hallway. It wasn't hard enough to hurt him any more than he would have if he'd fallen down the stairs, but hard enough he ran out of there as fast as he could.

"Wanda?" Peter asked, looking up at her in surprise. He'd thought she wouldn't be back for another day or two.

"Peter!" she exclaimed, rushing towards him.

She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back. Pulling away, Wanda looked at his face where Flash had punched him. The good news for Flash was that he hadn't broken Peter's nose. However, a light bruise was appearing on his jaw and he grimaced when she touched it.

"I'm sorry," he said, stepping back.

Wanda frowned.

"No, this isn't your fault," she promised, "How long has he been bullying you?"

In all honesty, he wasn't entirely sure. He knew it had been a long time, though.

"Longer than you've been in America," Peter guessed, shrugging slightly.

Wanda stiffed and Peter's shoulders dropped.

"Why didn't you tell someone?" Wanda asked, grabbing his backpack with her magic and wrapping an arm over his shoulders.

"I don't know," Peter replied honestly, letting her guide him out of the room and down the halls. Behind them, his backpack floated nearby. "I guess I was worried about everyone treating me differently."

Wanda sighed.

A teacher walked by, staring at them in fear at the sight of the floating backpack and red coming from Wanda's fingers.

For once, Wanda didn't care. Someone had dared to bully her brother; people should be scared.

"I don't think he's going to bother you anymore," Wanda murmured.

Peter chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I don't think so either."

Walking out of the school, Wanda led him over to the car where Natasha was waiting for them. She gave Peter his backpack and they both climbed in the backseat.

"What happened?" Natasha asked, turning to look back at Wanda. "A kid run out and I have no doubt he encountered you."

Peter gave her a panicked look, not wanting Natasha to find out.

"I decided to scare Peter by taking his backpack with my magic," Wanda said, giving Peter a small nod. Natasha frowned. "He saw too and freaked out."

"He looked pretty banged up."

Wanda and Peter looked at each other.

"Must have fallen on his trip down the hall," she replied with a shrug.

Natasha scoffed.

"As long as you handled it," Natasha said lightly. Wanda nodded, playing with a small ball of magic.

"Oh, I definitely did."

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