Steve Doesn't Approve

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Peter was a little nervous. Mr. Stark had decided to introduce the team to Peter as both his son intern and Spider-Man and while Peter had agreed to it, he was still nervous. It had only been a couple months since the team had been reunited and he really didn't want to be the reason they split up again.

He'd already met most of them individually, but Steve and Clint were the only ones he hadn't met. When he stumbled upon Natasha first, she had already known who he was and instead of asking what he was doing there, she'd asked what his real name was. Trying not to freak out in front of the Black Widow, he'd stuttered out a response before hurrying down the hall and proceeding to run into Bucky. Fortunately for Peter, Bucky had just grinned and asked Peter if his webs came out of him before helping him hide in embarrassment. Rhodey had known before the Avengers reunited and after an accidental run in with Sam, he'd been told to cool it with the rambling. All things considered, Peter figured there was no way meeting Steve or Clint could be half as embarrassing as the others.

"Don't worry, kid," Mr. Stark said for the umpteenth time.

Peter nodded, trying to calm himself down. It was just Captain America and Hawkeye. Two more Avengers. He'd fought Captain America before, how much different would this be?

"I can hear you," Wanda said, walking past them with a mug of tea.

Peter quietly apologised but knew there was no hope of quieting his thoughts.

"He doesn't hate me, right?" Peter asked, stopping just around the living room corner.

Mr. Stark gave him a look.

"Just, I stole his shield and all. He won't try and kill me for it, right?"

Mr. Stark chuckled and shook his head.

"He doesn't hate you, Pete," Mr. Stark said, nudging Peter around the corner and into the living room where Steve and Bucky were sitting, reading the newspapers.

Bucky looked up and smiled at Peter. At the sight of someone at least a little familiar, Peter tried to relax. If all else failed, maybe Bucky could convince Steve not to kill him.

"Steve," Bucky said, elbowing him, "Tony brought someone for you to meet."

Steve put down his newspaper and looked up. Peter's nerves came back all at once and he considered running again.


Stupid. That was a stupid thing to say. This was all stupid and he was going to look stupid.

Trying to salvage his poor introduction, Peter gave Steve a shaky wave but regretted it immediately.

"This is Peter," Mr. Stark introduced.

Peter waved again, hoping it would come across better this time, and cursed himself silently. He was making himself look stupid in front of Captain America.

"Nice to meet you Peter," Steve said, holding out a hand.

Peter shook it firmly and Steve gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm Steve Rogers."

"Yeah—Yeah." God, he was stuttering! "I know."

His eyes widened and he hurried to make it sound less weird.

"Not in a creepy way!" he blurted hastily, letting go of Steve's hand. "Just, you're Captain America and I stole your shield, so I know who you are. I swear I'm not some creepy—"

Peter was interrupted by Captain America, something he never thought would happen but was surprisingly not upset about.

"Wait, you stole my shield?" Steve asked, confused. "When?"

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