Iron Dad Does Career Day

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Peter was nervous, Tony knew from the moment he had walked in the door. His kid was usually energetic and worry-free, so when he stayed quiet all the way home, Tony knew something was up. Whatever was on the seven-year old's mind must have been important, though, because when Tony asked him how the spelling bee went, he just shrugged. He always went on and on about the spelling bees. He loved those things!

The last straw, however, was when Tony asked Peter if he wanted fruit leather and he said no. When even strawberry flavoured fruit leather wouldn't do that trick, Tony decided to ask him what was wrong.

"My class is having a parent career day next Tuesday," Peter said quietly, nibbling on the fruit strip Tony had given him anyway. "We have to bring a parent to come and talk to the class."

"Why's that a bad thing?" Tony asked, sitting in the seat beside him.

He hadn't thought Peter was that embarrassed to be connected to the Stark family name. Even if he was, he could always ask Pepper and she would be thrilled to go.

"Cause you and Mama can't come," Peter murmured. Tony frowned. "You're always busy and Mama is away in Ven-nice."

Tony sighed. Yes, Pepper was in Venice for a conference and he was responsible for holding down the Tower while she was away. It would be near impossible to get to Peter's career day, but he was suddenly determined to make time for it.

"Tell your teacher I'll be coming," Tony told him decidedly.

Peter looked up hopefully.

"You'll come for sure?" he asked eagerly.

Tony promised he would, not sure how he would keep his promise, but knowing he would. Even if it meant leaving Happy in charge of going to all his meetings, he was going to Peter's career day.

"Should I come as Iron Man?"

Peter nodded excitedly. Finally, the other kids would see he had a dad too! They wouldn't be able to say he was lame anymore once they discovered Iron Man was his dad.

* * * * *

On Tuesday, Peter sat with Ned at lunch, kicking his legs underneath him at his table. Parents were starting to arrive for career day, each one sitting by their child or talking to each other, and Peter was waiting excitedly for his dad to arrive.

Ned's mom arrived first, saying hello to some of her parent friends before going over to Peter and Ned. With a warm smile, she pulled out two chocolate bars, one for each of them, and they both squealed gleefully. Mrs. Leeds had been the only one Pepper and Tony entrusted their secret to and as such, she'd taken Peter under her wing when it came to parent events. While it wasn't necessary this time, the habit was difficult to break.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Leeds!" Peter said, watching eagerly as Mrs. Leeds helped him open the wrapper.

"You're welcome, Peter." Beside him, Ned thanked his mom too and she kissed his forehead before asking Peter, "Are your parents coming?"

Peter nodded happily.

"Daddy said he'd come!" he said excitedly, taking a large bite of his chocolate bar.

Mrs. Leeds smiled and bit back her worry about what would happen if the press got wind of the event. Instead, she asked, "Where is he?"

Peter shrugged.

"He'll be here," he said, trusting his dad to keep his promise.

* * * * *

Peter was getting anxious. His dad still wasn't here and everyone was already gathered in Mr. Jones's classroom. At the front of the classroom, Mrs. Leeds was talking to Mr. Jones, begging him to wait just a little longer for Peter's dad. Despite promising to wait five more minutes, Mr. Jones did not look thrilled about the delay.

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