Assisted Tripping

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PE was usually Peter's least favourite class of the day because it meant holding back and hiding out. Today, however, was not one of those days. When Coach Lenning had announced that anyone who beat the school's track record could skip PE from the rest of the year, Peter had decided to go all in. He was not going to pass up an opportunity to skip PE just to prevent people from getting suspicious. Unfortunately, he was beginning to think he might have gone a little too far.

He'd already lapped his class once and was about to lap them again. There was no doubt he'd break the school record, but the slack-jawed look from Coach Lenning was making him a little wary about using his abilities. At least, it was until he found himself falling face-first into the dirt and suddenly the only thing going through his head was ow.

Clearly, Coach Lenning hadn't been the only one noticing Peter was going to beat the record. With his eyes on the finish line up ahead, Peter hadn't seen Flash stop and stick out his leg until he was tripping over it.

Peter went crashing into the ground with a sinking thunk. Underneath him, his arm bent painfully and Peter cried out in pain. Coming up behind him, Flash came to a slow stop along with everyone else while Coach Lenning came running over. As he knelt down beside Peter, Peter sat up and cursed. Why couldn't spiders be immune to pain?

"That looks bad, Parker," Coach Lenning said, eyeing Peter's crooked arm. "Let's get you to the nurse."

Coach Lenning helped Peter to his feet, but Peter tried to object. He was in pain, yes, but he would now have to go to PE as he hadn't finished the three laps.

"Coach, do I still have to go to PE?" he asked quietly, walking with Coach Lenning to the nurse.


He glanced at Peter who managed to grin through the pain.

"I don't know why you don't show your true potential, Parker, but that's the fastest I've ever seen a kid run."

Peter shrugged with one arm but it still hurt his injured one.

"I guess you found the right motivator," he joked.

Coach Lenning nodded, opening the nurse's office door and leading Peter in. After quickly explaining how Peter had taken a nasty fall, he left to phone Peter's legal guardian while the nurse looked over Peter's arm.

Being careful not to touch Peter's arm, she told him, "It's definitely broken and unfortunately, you'll probably need surgery."

Peter groaned. Great. Surgery meant going to Stark Tower which meant explaining to Mr. Stark what had happened. There was little doubt in Peter's mind that Mr. Stark would not believe him if he said he'd fallen.

"Once we get ahold of your aunt, you'll have to go to the hospital," the nurse explained. She moved towards the medicine cabinet and said, "For now, I can give you some pain medication and try to set it for you."

Peter shook his head quickly.

"No!" He didn't want to be in more pain or have his metabolism run through the pain meds quicker than the nurse expected. "I'll just wait."

She looked at him warily but didn't argue.

"Alright," she agreed, "I'll walk with you to the office."

They walked down the hall to the front office where Peter was told to sit and wait. Sitting down beside him, the nurse waited with him so she could tell Aunt May what had happened.

After fifteen minutes, Peter looked up at the front desk worker and asked, "When's my aunt coming?"

"Your aunt was unavailable," Mr. Lent said, glancing at him briefly.

Peter frowned. Then who did they call?

"We called your emergency contact and man, kid, you must be really committed to a lie if you told him to answer as Tony Stark."

Mr. Lent chuckled but Peter's eyes bulged. They had called Mr. Stark?

"You called Mr. Stark?" he cried and Mr. Lent chuckled again. "Oh god."

He sat back down and sighed, watching the doors for Mr. Stark's arrival. Five minutes later, Mr. Stark came strutting through the front door and smiled at Peter. Turning to the front office, he took off his sunglasses and looked down at Mr. Lent.

"I'm here for Peter."

Mr. Lent's eyes widened.

"You're Tony Stark," he said breathlessly.

Mr. Stark looked unimpressed as he nodded.

"Yeah, that's what I said when I answered the phone," he replied. When he realised Mr. Lent would not be helping him, he turned to Peter. "What do I sign, kid?"

Getting to her feet, the nurse helped Mr. Stark fill out the right sign-out forms and Peter waited anxiously behind them.

"He'll need surgery," she told him, glancing down at Peter's arm.

Mr. Stark nodded and thanked her before she returned back to her office.

"Alright, Pete," Mr. Stark said, gently setting an arm on Peter's good shoulder. "Let's go get you fixed up."

Unsurprisingly, Peter's surgery went well and his arm was expected to be out of the cast within two days.

His return to school raised questions, but he made up a lie about having just dislocated his arm and Mr. Stark's doctors being really good. Aside from the nurse, no one was suspicious. Thankfully, she kept quiet. She didn't want Mr. Stark coming after her for calling his kid a liar no matter how suspicious the circumstances were. A few days later when a large bonus check was deposited in her bank account with a short thanks attached, she knew better than to say anything.

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