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ABphotography and whydontwemusic

Hey! My name is Daniel from Why don't we.
We're a band made up of five boys and we
need a photographer to just walk around and
tour with us wherever we go to take pictures,
we all agreed that we love your profile, and
we were wondering if you might be interested.

Of course!! That would be amazing!

Great! We are currently in Paris, we can fly
you here on Tuesday if that's alright with you.

Sounds Amazing! See you then!

Annabella's POV

"Oh my God" I whisper to myself, "I'm the new photographer for Why Don't We."
I pause, thinking through everything that just happened... "AHHHHHHHHHH" I squeal running down the stairs to tell my parents.
"Goodness gracious Anna, what happened?" My mom asks, obviously confused.
My parent's concerned looks fade when they see me smiling from ear to ear. 
"Remember that band I like.." I say trying to conceal my excitement.
"Why don't we?"
"What about 'em?"
"I'm their new photographer"
I can no longer control my happiness resulting in more squeals and hugs all around. Both of my parents congratulate me as I tell them all the information I know, then I start packing.

Daniels POV

"GUYS! ZACH! CORBYN! JONAH! JACK!" Daniel yells from his hotel bedroom.
"What the heck man?" Jack says walking in and immediately falling on the bed.
"Dude. It's freaking 6:30 am. What could you possibly be this excited about?" Zach says rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah we were sleeping bro" Corbyn complains.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's all cool but guess what?!" Daniel replies ecstatically.
"We have a new photographer!!"
"Woah that's great, can I go back to sleep now?" Jonah whines.
Daniel ignores him and continues to talk about the photographer.
"Her name is Annabella Greene, she's 18, she's got some really amazing photos one here and she'll work for low pay, she's perfect! She's flying in around 5:00pm tomorrow night."
"That's great, and I'm sure I'll be more excited after I sleep for a few more hours, but until then, goodbye," Zach says as he quickly retreats to his bedroom, with the rest of the boys doing about the same.

//I know it's a short chapter but it has good information. Stay tuned loves!//

The photographer//D.SWhere stories live. Discover now