Twenty Five

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Daniel's POV

"I can't," I say, "I'm sorry, I just can't."

"What do you mean 'you can't'? You have to," Zach says, a bit aggressively, "we are not waiting two more weeks to get AB back!"

My anger is starting to build up, not necessarily at Zach, just at the situation in general.

"You think I want to wait two weeks?!" I shout back, "The person I love more than anyone else in the world doesn't even know who I am! You think I wouldn't do anything and everything in my power to get her back? I just can't!"

I'm basically screaming at the top of my lungs at this point, but Zach and I are in a mellow park, while everybody else is currently in the tour bus, so it's not like anyone can hear us.

"You have to!"

"No Zach! I don't! I can't talk to Annie right now, why don't you understand that?!"

"It doesn't matter if I understand it, Daniel, I understand that AB is hurting and her so called 'boyfriend' isn't there for her!"

"You think it's that easy, huh? What if Maya had absolutely no idea who you were?! How would you feel?"


"Dang right you'd be heartbroken. You wouldn't be able to think about anything else! It takes all your attention and yeah, it's heartbreaking."

"I get why you're upset Daniel, but you didn't see her last night, Annabella is broken! She's lost and confused, and it's our fault because WE gave up on her. We all turned our backs on her when she needed us the most," Zach screams.

This is the angriest I've ever seen him. I feel my eyes well up with tears and turn around, so I'm not facing Zach.

"You're right," I admit, lowering my voice. "But you don't understand, every time I look at her, I- I..." There are tears streaming down my face now, but I don't care anymore, I turn around to face a worried Zach. "I remember the second I saw her at limelight, passed out on the concrete floor. Even while she was unconscious, you could see 'fear' written all over her face. She was at limelight because of me, she preformed with us because of me... She lost her memory because of me."

My voice was shaking and my eyes were puffy, but I manage to add, "and when she gets her memory back... I'm terrified that she's going to hate me for putting her through all of this."

"Oh my gosh, Daniel," Zach starts, he looks totally shocked, "AB isn't going to think any of this is your fault, and she could never, ever, under any circumstances, hate you. You can practically see the hearts in her eyes when she looks up at you. She loves you so much Daniel, she would never blame any of this on you, trust me."

I nod and give him a sad smile, "Thank you."

He half smiles back and says, "anytime, now go talk to your girlfriend."

//Dang this chapter was heated, what do y'all think about it? Stay tuned loves!//

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