Twenty One

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The first thing I notice, is the very annoying, and quite repetitive beeping, somewhere to the right of my body. The second thing, is the aching pain in the back of my head, but I don't know why it's there.

As I open my eyes, I see a shorter boy, with long, curly blonde hair. Very curly.

"Zach! She's awake," the curly blonde says to a slightly taller boy with brown hair.

The brunette boy calls "Zach" calls out into the hall way, "Guys! Annabella's awake!"

The first boy to walk in is a very very tall boy, with brown hair, and a deeper voice than the others. Then a medium height, blonde-headed one walks in.

They're all wearing black, should I be scared? Omg am I being kidnapped?!

"Are you sure she's awake, Jack? She's not saying anything," The medium height, blonde asks the short, curly blonde.

"Yes, Corbyn, her eyes are open! The nurse said she'd be confused at first, and that it would take her a few minutes to realize what's happening."

"Where's Daniel?" The very very tall, brown haired boy asks.

"He's getting some 'fresh air'," the small brown haired boy answers, "you know how hard this must be on him."

"Yea," the short curly blonde agrees, "I mean we all love AB to the moon and back, but if my girlfriend was unconscious for three days straight, it would tear me apart."

I attempt to speak, to ask the four boys what's happening, but it's no use. I'm lucky I got my eyes to stay open.

If I really am being kidnapped, then I am going to die today, because I can barely move. These boys, however, don't seem like the kidnapping type, even if they do only wear black.

The tallish blonde ran out of the room saying he was going to get someone.

He returns a few moments later, with a brown haired boy who is slightly taller than him, but shorter than the very very tall brunette. This boy isn't wearing black though, he's actually wearing yellow, yellow stripes. He smiles when he sees me, it's a familiar smile, even though I don't know who this person is, he makes me feel safe. He walks over and sits in the chair next to my bed, and holds my hand in both of his.

"Annie? Can you hear me?" The boy in yellow stripes asks me.

It takes all my energy to muster out three simple words, "w-who a-are you?"

//What do y'all think about this chapter?? Could you tell which boy was which? Tell me in the comments, and as always... Stay tuned loves!//

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