Twenty Four

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So it's been nine days since I was diagnosed with amnesia, and the boys are talking to me less and less. I know they want to, but it's just too hard for them. For the most part, they've given up on trying to jog my memory, I guess they just want to wait two more weeks. All the boys have already gone to bed, but I can't sleep. I'm currently sitting in the back room of the tour bus, looking through my Instagram profile for the hundredth time today, when Zach walks in.

"Hey, why are you still up?" He asks.

"I couldn't sleep, what about you?"

"Same, are you looking at your profile, again?"

"Yes, I keep thinking one of the pictures will just click with me and boom! I get my memory back, but that hasn't happened."

He looks at me with sad eyes, "AB, you're going to get it back, we just have to wait-"

"I don't want to wait!" I blurt out.

He pulls back, shocked by my reaction. It goes silent for what feels like a lifetime, I finally whisper, "I know how hard this is for all of you, and the easiest thing for you guys to do, is wait. I understand that, but I can't wait anymore. I don't know where I am or what I'm doing and I'm so confused," I feel a tear roll down my cheek, "I look at all these pictures on my profile, and I'm in them, I was there, but I don't remember being there, I don't remember any of these people. I don't- I don't-" I struggle to say the next few words, crying even harder now. Zach pulls me into a tight hug. "I don't remember Daniel," I say, "but I want to so badly."

After another long period of silence, Zach pulls back from the hug so that he can look me in the eyes, "you're right, we have been so selfish, and I'm very sorry for that Annabella.  We won't give up on you, ok? We're gonna keep trying to get your memory back, no matter what."

I nod, "Thank you Zach."

He wipes the tears from my cheeks, "anytime."

//This chapter makes me wanna cry, what do y'all think? Stay tuned loves!//

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