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"Welcome to Paris ladies and gentlemen" the pilot said over the intercom.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I'm about to meet why don't we. Oh my gosh. Dream come true.
I'm supposed to meet them at this bakery called "Belle Boulangerie" which translates to "lovely bakery" in English. I'll have to thank my mom later for forcing me to take French in high school.
Hmmm.. I guess I'll just walk there. I plug the location into my phone and see that it's only a mile away. Oh pshhh I can just walk, I'll be there in like 15 minutes, David said that all my luggage was delivered to the hotel so it'll be an easy trip to the bakery. Plus I get to see some of the city!

Paris is beautiful! The trees are anointed with light pink blossoms, as well as many pink flowers scattered across the grass and sidewalk. Over the trees I can see a small grayish point to something, it must be the Eiffel Tower, I have to get a shot of that later. I snap a few pics to post later, and before I know it I'm at the bakery.

I walk in and see Daniel, Zach, Corbyn, Jonah, and Jack already sitting at a table. There's only one free seat next to them. I take a deep breath, "here goes nothing" I whisper to myself before walking over to them. Their all looking at Daniel's phone arguing over something.

"Oh my gosh! Hey!" Daniel said, the first one to look up.

"Hey!" I said nervously, but still smiling, "I'm Annabella Greene," I tell the boys.

"Oh believe me, we know," Zach says laughing.

"Yeah Daniel wouldn't shut up about you," Jonah adds.

I feel my cheeks get hot and point my eyes to the ground, smiling. I look up to see Daniel also blushing and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I may have gotten I tiny bit excited"

"A tiny bit excited? Dude you stalked her entire Instagram," Corbyn chuckled.

All I can do is laugh.

"Oh Annabella!" Jack shouts, "which one do you like better?" He grabs Daniels phone and shows me a picture of a waterfall, then a yellow flower.

"You guys are arguing over which of MY pictures are better?"

"Yes we are and Corbyn, Jonah, and I like the waterfall better but Zach and Daniel like the flower, so which one's your favorite?" Jack replies.

"Hmmm... Probably the waterfall."

"Yesss!" Three of the boys yell.

"Oh come on!" Zach protests.

"Sorry" I laugh.

Jonah's phone buzzes and he announces that David texted him saying to head back to the hotel. We pay for the food and start walking back.

I talked to each of the boys on the way the to the hotel. They're all really nice, I ended up talking to Daniel the most...

// I hope y'all are starting to enjoy it more, the chapters will get longer, I promise, stay tuned Loves!//

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