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It's about 7:00pm by the time we get to the hotel. I have to request my bags from the front desk in the lobby, then Corbyn helps me carry them up to my room.

"Ok but there was nothing there" he says, continuing our conversation.

"There was definitely something there"

"No, Bella, there was nothing, ok? You tripped over absolutely nothing."

I pick up a pillow off my bed and nail him in the face with it.

"It's not my fault you're super clumsy," he picks up the same pillow up and throws it at me, but I dodge it and it flies into Daniel's  room across the hall.

"Haha! You missed!"

"Yea but Daniel won't," Corbyn says as Daniel sneaks up behind me and smacks me in the face with the pillow, knocking me to the floor.

"Hey!! Not fair!" I laugh.

After he's done laughing, Daniel reaches out his hand to help me up.

I check my phone for the first time in like 4 hours and scrolled through tons of notifications.

"Danggg Bella! Who's Mario? They texted you like 50 times!" Corbyn exclaimes.

"Oh for real?" Daniel asks, snatching my phone and holding it high so I can't reach it.

"Hahaha shorty."

"Shut up Corbyn."

"It's true, you're short."

"Dani give my phone back," I say jumping trying to reach it.

"Not until you tell me who Mario is," he smirks.

"It's my best friend, Maya, now give me my phone!"

"Fine," he tosses my phone on the bed.

I grab it and call Maya back, since she called me like 12 times. She's also a big fan of why don't we so she is waiting for details.




"Are you with them right now?"

"I'm with Daniel and Corbyn. Zach, Jonah, and Jack are down the hall."

"You should get Zach in there."

Daniel and Corbyn raise their eyebrows in shock as I cover my face with my hand.

"Hey Maya, it's Corbyn, and you're on speaker"

"I'm what?!"

"I'm so sorry," I manage to say through laughter.

"But hey I mean, Zach is free right now," Daniel says smirking.

"Oh my gosh, I'll call you later Anna," she laughs.

"Ok see ya maya"


I hang up and see the boys smirking at me.

"We're totally gonna set her up with Zach" Corbyn says.

// What do you guys think of the story so far?? It's gonna get good, I promise, stay tuned Loves!//

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