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Annabella's POV

"Three hours until limelight, boys! Are you ready?" David says as he enters the back part of the bus where Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and I were hanging out.


"Where's Zach?" David asks, clearly very confused.

"He went to show Maya around the city," Corbyn says smiling from ear to ear, causing everyone in the bus to make the  "ooooh" sound.

David laughs, "alright, just make sure he's back before-"

He's interrupted by Zach and Maya walking into the tour bus, holding hands.

We all dropped our jaws and raised our eyebrows in perfect time. I look to a wide-eyed Daniel, the to Corbyn who is covering his mouth with his hand to cover his ginormous grin.

I stand up and grab Maya by the hand pulling her into the front of the bus and leaving Zach with the boys. Once we stop, I whip my body around to face her, giving her the "um.. What the heck tell me everything" face.

"Well..." She smiles, "we had been walking around the city, not really doing much, just talking, but then some fans came up and asked if we were 'together.' Of course, you know me, I didn't say anything, I was ready to walk the other way, but Zach over here, this man had to say 'oh I don't know, I don't know, are we?' Like I don't know! Don't look at me, I don't know what's happening here. So I'm over here, still not saying anything, I just shrug my shoulders. So those fans have the nerve to go 'ohh so it's like an unofficial thing, got it!' Ok, but after the fans left, Zach was being all sweet like well I think you're pretty cool and everything and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. So, um.. Yea."

I give her the widest smile ever, then erupt into squeals. We return to the back of the bus where Zach looked like he was being interrogated. I laugh at Zach trying to explain the fans asking if they were "together."

"I'll spare you the details," I say as I hop back into my spot on the couch, between Daniel and Corbyn, "Zach asked maya to be his girlfriend and Maya said yes!"

"Awwwwwww!" We all say as Zach pulls Maya in for a hug.

//I ship #Zamaya so hard, I loved writing this chapter so I hope y'all enjoyed it! Stay tuned loves!//

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