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Annabella's POV

"Being back stage is so much more fun then being in the very back of the venue," I tell Daniel.

He laughs, "yeah I'm sure it is."

"Alright boys... Show time!" David yells and claps his hands. He looks to me, "Is your Camera ready?"


I watch as they run on stage, they all look so happy. You can tell that they really love preforming.

"What's up Paris?!" Zach yells as the crowd goes crazy.

They open with "These girls," I can't help but smile when Daniel starts off the song.

"I've been all through the country
From LA to Kentucky
Met a good girl in Houston but she knows..."

Time skip to end of concert

"Thank you Paris! Goodnight!"

The boys run off off the stage, towards me, and Daniel pulls me into a tight hug. At first I freeze, then I hug back.

"You guys did amazing!" I say as Daniel let's go.

"Thank youuuu" Corbyn says as he hugs me.

"Ahhh and sweaty," I laugh.

Then all five of them decide to hug me just to gross me out.

"Alright boys, meet and greet in 5!" David calls out.

I notice Corbyn nod at Daniel. What's happening?

Daniel turns to me, the other boys talking about how Zach tripped during "nobody gotta know."

"Hey so remember earlier today at the Eiffel Tower?"

"Yes," I answer hesitantly.

"Right so I was gonna say, well.. I don't know, I guess just-" he takes a deep breath," I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think your-"

"Daniel we gotta go," Jonah says tapping his shoulder.

"Yeah I know I'm coming," Daniel responds, "anyway I think you're really really cool and funny and absolutely beautiful, and I wasn't gonna tell you because I'm pretty sure you don't feel the same way, but I really like you Annabella."

I watch as his face goes from nervous to scared to terrified, and I feel my lips slowly form a big smile.

"Aww I really like you too, pretty boy."

"Ik I shouldn't have- wait what? for real?!"

I laugh, "yes!"

We stare at each other and smile for a minute.

"Oh my! Go! Go to meet and greet!" I laugh.

"Right! Ok I'll see you after!" He hugs me again the runs off smiling.

As hard as I'm trying, I can't wipe the smile off my face...

"Oh! I gotta call Maya!" I pull out my phone and click on "Mario❣😂"

It takes about 3 rings before I hear, "Hello?"

"Maya! I have lots of news."

"Yayyy ok go!"

I continue to tell her everything that happened with me and Daniel. (There was lots of screaming.)

//Ahhh! I love this chapter so much, I hope y'all do too! Stay tuned loves!//

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