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David claps his hands (like always) as he says "alright! Last show tonight in Paris then off to Finland!"

"Guys we show walk around the city more, I mean I know we walked around a little bit to take pictures yesterday but like for real, for real, walk around," Daniel explains.

"Sounds great!" I say, still wanting a shot of the Eiffel Tower.

The rest of the boys agree and we each head back to our rooms to get dressed.

I wear a black shirt decorated with small white stripes, with black pants, and a brown leather jacket. I grab my phone, camera, and wallet and head back down to the lobby to meet up with the boys.

As soon as we're all down there, we head out on the streets of Paris! I end up talking to Daniel again as we walk.

"So where exactly are we going?" I call up to Zach who is leading.

"Oh I have absolutely no idea," he says turning to face us while he's walking, "I was just gonna go straight until we saw something cool!"

"The sad thing is, I think he's proud of that idea," Daniel whispers to me.

I look up at him and smile, trying to conceal my laughter before saying "We should go to the Eiffel Tower!"

"Yeah!" I hear Corbyn say enthusiastically from behind us.

Now that I think of it, that's the first thing I've heard from them three. What are they saying that they don't want us to hear?

"Hey, you know, I'm pretty hungry" jack says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Hey me too," Jonah adds.

"Me three," Corbyn said smiling.

I know that smile, what are they planning?

"Zach you should come with us"

"But I'm not hungry"

"Zach. Come with us."

"Ohhhh I get it! Right, okay, I'm hungry too, let's go guys."

I look around but there's no longer anyone in sight, it was just me, and Daniel. Wow. So this is what they were planning.

Daniel and I look at each other and laugh, we are both very aware that we have been setup.

"Still wanna go to the Eiffel Tower?"

"Of course, are you crazy? Let's go"

The photographer//D.SWhere stories live. Discover now