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While the boys are at limelight, I help Maya pack up her things.

"You've only been here for one day! Couldn't you stay longer?" I pout.

"I wish," she replies giving me a sad smile, "but I've gotta be back for my mom's birthday tomorrow."

"But I'm gonna miss you... and so will Zach."

"Shut up," she laughs as she play-hits me.

"Ok but for real, why do you have to leave tonight? Couldn't you fly home in the morning?"

"No, Annabella, because you will be in Germany with the rest of the boys! I have no where else to stay, my flight leaves from Enontekiö airport, which is like fifteen minutes from here."

"There's no way you could stay and just FaceTime your mom tomorrow?" I ask, hugging her and giving her another sad face.

"I don't think so, and don't you dare give me that face, you're on tour with Why Don't We, getting payed to do what you love!"

"I know, and that's really great, I get payed to take pictures! But I miss seeing you everyday."

"I missed you too, but I'll come back an visit all of you in a couple weeks or so, it'll all be okay!"

I sigh, "Fine."

She smiles, then makes very surprised face as she checks the time, "we should probably go now, the show starts in like 10 minutes."

"Oh gosh! Let's go," I say grabbing my phone and camera, and running out of the bus.

When we get there we see all the Why Don't We boys in a circle, hyping each other up. Maya and I go to join the circle.

"Hey!" I say, hugging Daniel, "are y'all ready?"

He nods excitedly, "So ready! The fans were so great at limelight."

I smile up at him, he's beaming with excitement, they all are.

"Ok, gotta go, byeee," he hugs me again before running on stage.

"What's up Finland?!" Zach yells to the crowd.

I love seeing them this happy.

//I'm gonna try to get a lot of chapters published tonight! I got so distracted while writing this because I was listening to wdw's new song "Talk," Stay tuned loves!//

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