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Daniel's POV

Corbyn slips out of the room and I bury my face in my hands. Too late to tell her now...

I look up to see Corbyn still staring at me. "Huh? I thought you left."

"I came back," Corbyn smirks, "and I was right, you do like Bella!"

"Ok fine! I like her, a lot actually, and yeah I did try to tell her today, but I didn't. Now it's too late because Jack is gonna ask her out."

Corbyn bursts out laughing, "Jack is not interested in Annabella, he never was."

"Wait what?! You tricked me!"

"Yes I did, and very cleverly I might add."

"I hate you," I say jokingly.

"No you don't, you love me."


"So when are you gonna tell Bella?"

"How about never?"

"No! Daniel come on, she obviously likes you back!"

"Nah, she doesn't."

"Yesss she does! Tell her!"

"Ok but when?"

"I don't know, after the concert?"

"Ahh ok fine, I'm gonna tell Annie.. Tonight."

//Will Daniel really tell Annabella? Or will he get interrupted again? Stay tuned loves!//

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