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Annabella's POV

All the boys board the bus like they haven't slept in days then had to run a 5k.

"Wow y'all look.. Um.. Um.." I struggle to find a non-offensive word describing them.

"We're tireddddd!!" Zach shouts as he lays on the couch, putting his head down.

"Yes very much so," Daniel says as he walks over and hugs me.

By now everyone is seated, and staring at Daniel and I.

"So.." Jonah says hesitantly, breaking the silence, "are we gonna talk about this?"

I look up at Daniel, unsure of what he will say.

"Umm well Annie, what are we?"

"I-I dunno, what to you want us to be?"

"Oh my, dude, just ask her to be your girlfriend," Jack says impatiently.

"Ok, ok," Daniel responds putting his hands up, "Annie.. Would you have any interest in being my girlfriend?"

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, "I mean yeah I guess so," I say laughing.

I synchronized "Awww" comes from the rest of the boys and Daniel pulls me into a hug again.

"So are y'all gonna make this thing public?" Corbyn asks.

Daniel looks to David, asking permission.

"The fans already love Annabella, I say go for it," David says, smiling.

"Thank youuu" Daniel replies.

@ Seaveydaniel

      Liked by Corbynbesson, Annabellagreene and 478,692 othersSeaveydaniel Who knew I'd ever get to call this cute little photographer mine?🙃 @ Annabellagreene Annabellagreene ☺️💗Corbynbesson Awww my two bffsUsername YESSS #DANNIEFOREVERMaya

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      Liked by Corbynbesson, Annabellagreene and 478,692 others
Seaveydaniel Who knew I'd ever get to call this cute little photographer mine?🙃 @ Annabellagreene
Annabellagreene ☺️💗
Corbynbesson Awww my two bffs
Maya.a.w Y'all are too cute omg
Imzachherron ^^ Fr tho
Username41 ew she's not cute
Username23 ^^^you're right she's not cute, she's beautiful
Annabellagreene Aww! Thx! @ Username23
Jonahmarais Finallyyyyyy
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@ Annabellagreene

      Liked by Seaveydaniel, Maya

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      Liked by Seaveydaniel, Maya.a.w and 398,526 more
Annabellagreene Hey pretty boy, I kinda like you :) @ Seaveydaniel
Seaveydaniel I kinda like you more :)
Username1 Ahhhh oh my gosh my dreams have come true
Jackaverymusic Daniel will forever be known as "pretty boy"
Username51 #DannieDannieDannie ahhhhh❤️
Username777 um.. What? You aren't good enough for him
Corbynbesson ^^are you confused???
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//Are you guys as excited as I am?! Comment "❤️" if you ship #Dannie! Stay tuned loves!//

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