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"Goodnight Munich!"

"Oh my God that was amazing!" I tell Daniel as we all run off stage.

"YOU were amazing!" he replies.

"Was it worth all the nerves?" Zach asks me.

"Definitely worth it!"

We all squeeze into a big (but pretty sweaty) group hug.

"AB, you coming to limelight? It's after the performance this time, I don't know why."

"I mean I'd love to... if I can," I say.

"You just preformed with us, therefore you earned the right to go to limelight," Jack explains.

"Okay cool! So I just talk to the fans?"

"Yeah basically"

I smile and nod. I like this whole preforming thing. It's pretty cool.

We all spread out as the fans rush into the open space. Surprisingly, about seven fans come to me first and start talking to me.

"You have an amazing voice Annabella!"

"Thank you so much! And you can call me AB!" I smile.

"What's it like dating Daniel seavey?" A different fan asks.

This question causes a chuckle to escape my lips, "it's great, he's amazing."

"Were you already a Why Don't We fan before you were hired as their photographer?"

"Umm, I liked their music, but I didn't know that much about them."

I continued answering lots of questions and tons of fans came up to me and told me I had a beautiful voice! I couldn't stop smiling. All the fans were so kind!

A group of about 12 girls walked up to me at the same time.

"Hi! I'm Ali, you have a wonderful voice," one of them said.

"Aww thank y-"

"Just kidding hahaha, you actually believed me? You have a terrible voice," Ali says.

"Oh, gosh, well I'm sorry you feel that way," I say in the sweetest way possible.

"I'm not really sure why Daniel likes you," another girl says.

"Me niether, I mean you definitely are NOT pretty," another girl says.

The girls continue to insult me but I'm really just looking for a way to get around them. It's not the hateful words that bother me, it's the fact that I am cornered, almost touching the wall behind me. I might have forgot to mention that I'm a tiny bit cluster-phobic. I try to cut through, but Ali and some other girl stop me.

"Why are you trying to leave? Are you gonna cry?"

"Why are you still talking to me? If you hate me so much please just leave me alone," I say, still trying to be very nice.

"No, because I have to make sure you know how worthless you are!" Ali shouts back fiercely.

"I think you've done enough tonight, now please let me leave," I say politely.

"I said NO!" Ali yells as she slams me into the wall.

My head hit the bricks... Hard.

I heard lots of screams, then there was a tall boy in yellow stripes telling everyone to move out of the way, right before everything went black...

//PLOT TWIST! Annnnd cliffhanger, Goodnight everyone! Stay tuned loves!//

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