Twenty six

775 19 2

//Last chapter!//
Annabella's POV

When Daniel returned to the tour bus with Zach, he immediately asked to speak with me, alone. I nervously agreed and we traveled to the back of the bus where the other boys couldn't here us. I am now sitting on a jet-black leather sofa, watching the tall brown-haired boy pace back and forth nervously. He looked deep in thought so I decided the best thing to do was sit quietly.

"Annabella I need you," he simply states, taking a seat on the coffee table across from me.

I can see the hurt, radiating from his crystal blue eyes. I want to remember so badly, I want to remember for him.

"I'm here," I say hesitantly.

"No, I need the real you, I need you to remember. I can't wait two more weeks"

"I know, and I'm so so sorry. I want to remember you, I really do, but I just can't."

"Please Annie, you have to remember... Remember for me, please"

His eyes hold sadness and pain, far too much pain, I can't look him directly in the eye because I'm afraid I'll burst into tears.

"Daniel I can't, I'm sorry"

"Yes you can! Look at me Annie, please just look at me"

He places his hand beneath my chin and gently raises my head. I peel my gaze away from the floor and, as he wished, I look him directly in the eyes. As expected, tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes and no matter how hard I try, nothing can keep them from slipping down my cheeks and plummeting onto the sofa cushions. He uses the pad of his thumb to wipe away my tears, but it's not much help because they wouldn't stop flowing. We sit there for a few minutes, just staring into each others eyes.

"The first time I saw your pictures on Instagram, I immediately fell in love with them," Daniel started, "I told the boys that whoever 'ABphotography' was, she was going to be our next official photographer. They agreed and I messaged you asking if you were interested. I was over the moon with excitement when you agreed to do the job. Then the first time I saw you in person, just like your photos, I immediately fell in love. I haven't stopped loving you since, even if you don't remember me. I love you Annabella Greene, I love you so much."

At those three words, "I love you," every memory came flooding back. The night I was hired as the photographer for my favorite band, the day I met the boys, the day Daniel and I explored Paris. It's like all the best things that have ever happened to my life came back to me at once. Even though I've only known Daniel for a few months, all my favorite memories seemed to include him. He's made such a positive impact on my life, I'm so glad I found him. I snap back to reality as a teary-eyed Daniel stands up and starts to exit the small room.

"I love you too, pretty boy," I say, smiling from ear to ear.

He swiftly turns around with a relieved smile on his face as tears of joy flood his cheeks. He runs and pulls me into a tight hug, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

"Annie! You remember!"

"I remember!" I scream ecstatically.

Daniel forcefully swings the door open and shouts, "GUYS ANNIE REMEMBERS!"

Four totally shocked boys run to us and we all engage in a very happy group hug. Then each of them hug me individually before I return to Daniel's arms. I look around and see the excited boys, yelling and screaming about how I got my memory back. These boys are some of the best friends I've ever had, how could I have forgotten them? I look up at Daniel and his goofy smile, he's my first love, I never want to forget him ever again. I'm so glad I found him and I'm never letting go.

"I love you so much Daniel"

"I love you more Annie"

//Ahhhh so sorry this book had to come to an end, but I've loved writing it, thank y'all so much for reading "The Photographer" it means so much to me!

Look out for my other books that are coming your way! Stay tuned loves!//

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