Twenty Two

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Corbyn's POV

"W-who a-are you?"

I feel my heart drop.The doctor had said that memory loss was a possibility, but it was so rare that none of us really worried about it.

Daniel looks back at us, he has absolutely no idea what to do. It's not until my eyes lock with his, when I see how truly broken he is. We all exchange devastated expressions to each other before calling the doctor in.

"D-did I do something wrong? Where am i?" Annabella asks innocently.

"No, no, you didn't do anything," Zach replies, "you're in the hospital, you hit your head pretty hard."

The doctor walks in, and we inform him of what happened. After observing Annabella, he diagnoses her with temporary amnesia.

"Amnesia is a temporary condition that normally lasts anywhere from a few seconds, to a few hours. However, judging by the brain damage, Annabella's condition may have a longer duration."

"Like... How much longer?" Jonah asks worriedly.

"It's hard to say, we will put her on medication, I'd give it a maximum of three weeks."

"Three weeks?!" I shout.

"I know it's a painful process, but you can take comfort in know that your friend will be alright, check out at the front desk, you can pick up her medication there," the doctor says, before exiting the room.

Daniel is staring blankly at the wall in front of him, he's basically non-responsive by now. Annabella snaps him back into reality by asking, "What's your name?"

"What? Oh, Daniel, my name is Daniel Seavey."

We begin walking to the front desk to check out.

"Oh ok thank you, and I'm Annabella?"

"Yes," he replies, "you are Annabella Demi Greene."

We reach the check out desk to pick up Annabella's medication.

"Amnesia, huh?" The front desk lady asks.

Jonah sighs, "yea."

"Don't worry, your friend will be just fine," she says, "show her pictures and videos, tell her stories, and remind her of who she is. It worked with my son two years ago, it will work with your friend, I promise."

"Thank you ma'am," Jonah says, then we all exit the hospital and board the tour bus. We all sit down and decide to introduce ourselves to AB.

//Tell me what you guys think in the comments! Stay tuned loves!//

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