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We wake up the next morning in Finland, we have nothing to do today until the boys's show tonight. I look at my phone and see that it's 10:52 am. "Gosh I slept late," I whisper to myself. I get up and walk into the kitchen area of the tour bus and see all the boys doing various things. Jonah is making toast, Jack is eating cereal, Daniel and Zach are recording themselves saying something, (I don't really care what, I'll probably see it on one of their Instagram stories later,) and Corbyn is tweeting something.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Jonah being the first one to see me.

"Hm look who finally decided to get up," Corbyn laughs.

I walk over to the couch and sit between Daniel and Corbyn. "I still don't know how y'all get up so early," I yawn.

"We've had lots of practice," Daniel said as he put his arm around me.

I look at my phone and gasp, "she's coming!"

"Woah calm down, who's coming?" Daniel asks.

"Maya! Maya's flying in today for the concert tomorrow!"

"Is she a fan? Or just coming to see you?" Jonah questions.

"She's a big fan," Daniel answers for me.

"Especially of Zach," Corbyn whispers to me, causing us both to erupt in giggles.

"Well what time is she flying in? We should all meet up with her," Zach adds.

"I don't know i'll ask her, but she would love to meet you all, she almost passed out when you guys followed her on Instagram."

//Who's ready to meet Maya? Comment "💕" if you ship #Zamaya! Stay tuned loves!//

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