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"You know, you didn't have to come with me Dani," I say as we wait for Maya at the airport.

"Mhm, like I would let you go alone," he smirks.

"Well we had to bring Z because, well.. Ya know."

We both laugh and look at Zach.


"Nothing," we say smiling.

"Oh my gosh! There she is!" I say then run and go hug her.

"Ugh I've missed you so much!" She says, "oh hey Daniel, hey Zach."

"Heyo," Daniel smiles

"What's up," Zach adds.

"The sky," Maya responds.

"Actually it's the ceiling," Zach counters, attempting to sound smart.

"Well yes, the ceiling is also there, but if you point up, the sky will be there, regardless of anything covering it from your point of view."

Zach looks to me, "AB, your friend is too smart for me."

I laugh, "yeah I know buddy, it's okay, she's too smart for me too."

"AB?" Maya questions, "is that what they call you?"

"That's what I call her," Zach laughs, "you got a problem?"

"No I just don't understand, her middle name is Demi, so wouldn't it be 'AD'?" she laughs.

"Your middle name is Demi?" Daniel and Zach say in sync.

"Wow thank you so much Maya," I say sarcastically.

"You're welcome," she teases.

"Oh well, AB sounds better," Zach says.

"Annabella Demi Greene.. I like it" Daniel smirked.

"Shut up Daniel James Seavey," I laugh and play hit him.

//I know, I know, it's a short chapter but I'm going to bed haha | Stay tuned loves!//

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