Chapter 1

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Jasmine POV:

I observed myself in the mirror, staring into my own reflection. Then I focused on my own brown orbs. I could see the fear in them. Only fear. My mother always told me that the 'light in my eyes' is gone, and I can see that she was right. The light in them had disappeared when I was in the eleventh grade. And when my best friend, my only friend, I ever had left me.

I stalked away from the mirror, not wanting to see myself anymore. I plopped down on my queen-sized bed. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and unlocked it. I clicked on the Twitter app and waited for it to load. It's been a while that I've been here, so I decided to see what I've missed.

I scrolled down through all the tweets people posted on Twitter; some saying how tired they are, how much homework they have, how they hate school, and so on. Then one post caught my eye. I rolled my eyes as I read the post a girl wrote, saying that Justin Bieber is the most amazing person in the whole world.

You don't know him well as I do...

That's what I wanted to tweet to her, but decided not to.

"Hey, Jasmine! Come over here!" I heard my cousin yell from downstairs. I tossed my phone on the bed, letting out an annoyed groan. I forced myself to get up got from my bed, just sitting there for a few seconds. My mind went back to the tweet. I scoffed, making a disgusted look. I placed my feet on the ground, pulling myself up and rushed downstairs.

"What is it, Melina?" I asked her once I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Justin is on the news again." She said to me while looking at the screen. She pats on the couch next to her, telling me to sit next to her. "And it's not good." She added, sighing under her breath.

What a surprise...

I rolled my eyes, "Does it look like I even care?" I said in a harsh tone. Melina stared at me with shock. She didn't reply to my sudden outburst. "That's what I thought." I walked to the kitchen table and grabbed an apple. I wiped it clean with my sleeve, taking a bite when she spoke with anger in her voice.

"JAZ, LOOK AT HIM!" I ignored her and continued to eat my apple. "Dammit, Jaz!! Don't ignore me! He NEEDS you! He needs his best friend!" She exploded with anger. This is the side of her I've never seen. Why does she care anyway? It's not like any of this affected her as it did to me.

I just shook my head, with my free hand I tightly gripped onto the counter. I could feel my emotions mixing up, causing my eyes to begin to sting. I bit the inside of my cheek, preventing me from crying. I breathed in a big breath and let it out, trying to relax. I leaned away from the table and walked over to the kitchen, sitting down on the couch. I looked up the television and saw the pictures of him drag racing and getting arrested. Then a mug shot popped up on the screen. I couldn't bear looking at him, looking into his eyes, so I quickly looked away.

"He doesn't need me, Melina," I spat, trying to distract myself from saying the truth. "He doesn't need me at all! If he really needed me he would have called me, texted me, e-mailed me, SOMETHING! But he did none of those things! He wasn't there for me when I needed him most!" My voice raised. I made fists with my hands, trying to make them stop shaking.

Melina just stands there, with her head down, not saying a single word. Melina and my family are the only people that know that I was very close friends with Justin when we were kids. I never told anyone else because my mom told me not to.

After a few minutes without saying a word, I sighed in frustration, running my hand through my hair. "Look, Melina," She lifted her head and looked at me, with sadness in her eyes, " I am sorry for yelling, it's just... it's just that..." I couldn't find the right words what to say, so I just sighed and threw away my rarely eaten apple in the trash.

As I was about to go up towards the stairs, Melina shouts to me, "Don't you miss him at least a little?"

I stopped at the first step, slowly standing up straighter, thinking what she just asked me.

Do I miss Justin?

The truth is, I do miss him. A lot. But I... Don't want to miss him...

A few seconds later I finally said, "No." I closed my eyes and opened them again, trying to feel confident.

"Not even a little?" She asked, sadness filled in her voice.

"Not even a little," I repeated, sighing loudly. I walked up the rest of the stairs to my room, slamming the door shut. I sat on my bed, thinking about what happened just a few moments ago. The smallest part of me regrets saying that I don't miss him at all. My emotions always make my life confusing. I should hate Justin for what he did, but... I can't force myself to do that.

I remembered the day he left for his career.

"Promise me that you will call once you land in Georgia." I hugged him so tight that I didn't want him to go.

"I promise," He said to me, kissing my forehead. " You are like my little sister and I care for you and I will always be there for you."

The next thing I knew, he was gone.

He never called. I wasn't sure if he was okay. I was scared.

Then a few days past and he was all over the news, doing interviews. He never mentioned me once, which I didn't mind. But what hurt me the most is that he never bothered to call me. I wanted to say so many things to him, to say how proud I was for him, to congratulate him. But he ignored me like I was invisible. Like I never existed.

I shouldn't miss him at all, he broke his promises. And I will never forgive him for that. I hope that I will never see him again.

If my heart would only except that.

Hope (Justin Bieber FanFiction) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now