Chapter 3

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Jasmine POV:

I stared at the ceiling in my room. I never really noticed the weird designs on it. I let out a really loud sigh, thinking of something to do. Ever since Melina and I fought three days ago, I really don't have anything to do or who to hang out with. So now all I am doing is sitting on my bed staring at complete space. Then I heard my phone beep. I turned to my side, propping my elbow to my side. I reached over, grabbed it, and unlocked my phone and it was Melina.

M: Hey... look i am soooo very sorry for making you upset a few days ago:/

J: No, im sorry for being a big fat jerk and overreacting:( can you forgive me???

When she didn't reply quickly, my heart sank. She's not going to talk to me ever again. My phone beeps again.

M:Of course i forgive you!!:D you are my cousin and i will always love you!:))

I smiled to myself and texted back

J: Awww!! thx bae!! i love you sooooooooooo much!!!:D want to hang out later???

M: YEEEEESSSSSHHHH!!!! meet me at starbucks:)

J: Lol!:) OKAYY!! see you there in a few!!

I put down my phone, got off of my bed, and walked towards my closet. I was still wearing my pajamas and it's three in the afternoon. Oh well... I looked through my clothes and decided to wear dark skinny jeans, along with a cute top, and let my hair down naturally. Satisfied with my reflection, I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I stepped into the kitchen to grab a granola bar.

"And where are you going?" My mom asked me, looking at my outfit, raising her eyebrow.

"I am going to Starbucks with Melina, why?" I asked, opening up the wrapper of the granola bar, taking a big bite.

"Just wondering, before you go, can you please help me cook spaghetti for dinner?" I put down my granola bar on the table and walked towards the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, sure I can help you." I opened some cabinets to find the spaghetti sauce. I found it and opened it up and grabbed the nearest bowl and pour the sauce in it. I was going to ask my mom if she wanted me to put in some spices in the sauce to give it more flavor. As I was mixing everything together, the living room phone rang.

"I'll get, mom," I said. I set the wooden spoon on the counter, next to the bowl. I quickly jogged towards it as the phone reached its fifth ring.

"Alright, sweetie, thank you." She yelled from the kitchen.

"Yea, no problem." I pressed the talk button and put the phone in my ear. "Hello?"

"Jasmine? It's me, Pattie." Spoke a kind, familiar voice in the other end. I nearly dropped the phone when she said her name is Pattie.

"P-Pattie? Is it really you?" I stuttered.

"Yes, it's me Jasmine, who else do you know that their name is Pattie?"

I laugh. "No one else, just you. Oh my gosh, Pattie! I missed you so much!!"

She chuckles." I missed you too sweetheart. So how are you?"

"I'm good, tired, but good." I smiled.

"Oh, Jasmine, you are always tired, even when you were a little girl." I can picture Pattie shaking her head. I laugh

"Yeah, I know."

"So, sweetie, I know you might say no, but... I was meaning to ask you if it's alright that Justin can stay with you and your mom for a while, just until everything with the media is cleared out." Once she said Justin's name, my heart skipped a beat. I swallowed and my eyes widened. She can't be serious.

"I don't know Did Justin say it was alright?" My voice sounded strange when I said his name.

"He has no other choice." She sounds very sad and concerned.

"Pattie... I can't bear to talk to him, even seeing him." I said closing my eyes; tightening my grip on the phone.

"Please, honey... he needs you." She begged. I scoffed.

"Yeah right, I think he doesn't need me at all." I heard a sigh.

"Jasmine, you don't realize this, but he does need you, more than you think." I don't respond. My mind started to race. What should I do?

After a few seconds, I replied. "Sigh...I'll ask my mom if it's alright." I gave in.

"Thank you so much, sweetie!" I opened my eyes.

"You're welcome, I will see you soon." I smiled.

"Okay good-bye, sweetheart, I love you."

"I love you too, Pattie," I muttered. I pressed the end button and put the phone back to its place. I ran my hand through my hair and exhaled loudly. How am I going to tell my mom that Justin is going to stay with this... I shook my head and walked back to the kitchen.

"Who was it swe- what's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost or something?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I walked towards the nearest mirror. My face looked white and my eyes are still wide.

"Um... nothing...I'm just tired, that's all," I said looking at my reflection. My mom shakes her head.

"You are always tired." She laughs.

"Um, mom, can I ask you something?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Sure honey, you can ask me anything." She said putting away the pot, not even looking at me.

I took a deep breath and turned to face her. Here goes nothing... " What would you do if I sort of agreed to let Justin stay with us for a few days?" Then I see that my mom had dropped the pot. Then she starts laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...." When she saw that I wasn't laughing, she stops. "You weren't kidding weren't you?" I shook my head. "Jasmine! Why didn't you tell me that you were doing this!"

"I'm sorry! Okay! I wasn't planning on him staying with us anyways! It was Pattie who was on the phone, asking me if it was alright for Justin to stay at our house for a few days! I didn't know how not to say no to her! She sounded sad and worried. And I told her that I would ask you first."

My mom sighs and puts her hands on her face for a few minutes and then puts them down by her side. "Alright, go call Pattie that it's fine with me that he stays for a few days."

"Really? You are really letting him stay over?" I felt my heart pound.

"Why not, Pattie is a good friend of mine, and you can see your friend again."

"Not really..." I muttered. "Hey, mom I got to go meet Melina at Starbucks okay? I will call once I get home." I said. I really want to leave and to end this conversation.

"Oh alright, then, have fun!"

I quickly grabbed my keys and head towards my car. I feel relieved to get out of the house with so much tension in the air. And talking about Justin.

Boy, do I have a juicy story to tell Melina...

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