Chapter 11

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Jasmine POV:

I leaned against the door, closing my eyes. I felt tears running down my face. I slid down to the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. I cried louder into my knees. I never cried this much in my whole life. I felt pain in my chest. I rocked back and forth, continued to cry to myself.

Then there was a knock by my door, but I ignored it. I looked up, but my vision was blurry. I don't want to see or be near Justin.

"Jasmine, please, forgive me. I never intended to hurt you." He begged. "Please forgive me." I shake my head as if he could see me.

He sighs and left. Wow... he gave up just like that. So much for always being there for me.

I placed my head back between my knees, breathing heavily. I heard my phone vibrate on the bedside table. I lifted up my head and forcefully wiped my eyes, got up, and grabbed my phone.

It was a text from Melina.

M: Hey jasmine! how are u??

J: not good:/ i am crying right now:'(

M: What?!? why? whats wrong??

I smiled to myself. At least she cares about me.

J: its just that justin is a big fat liar!

M: oh... im sooo sorry:/

J: can you come over?

M: can't. im grounded

I laugh to myself. She always gets in trouble.

J: what did you do this time??

M: Nothing! i got in trouble for talking back to my mom... whatever

J: ohh

M: yeahh:/

J: wish you could come

M: i will once im ungrounded and get out of trouble

J: ookay:)

M: g2g my dad is knocking on my door and im not supposed to txt anyone... bye:/

J: Bye

I put down my phone, turned on the T.V, and watched Divergent. I love that movie. As I watched, I heard my stomach growl in the middle of the movie. You've got to be kidding. I just ate about an hour ago! I rolled my eyes and got up. I looked all over my room for some food that I usually hide somewhere. But as I looked around, I found nothing.

I groaned and walked to the door. I unlocked it and quietly and slowly I opened it. Then I heard a piano play. I stopped and listened.

I recognized the song. It was from my all-time favorite pieces in piano music. I was taken by surprise. He remembered the piece I always played when I was younger. He was the one that taught me it too. I tiptoed down the stairs, trying not to make a single sound. Once I reached the bottom I saw Justin, with his eyes closed, playing the song. I watched as his long fingers moved swiftly across the keys.

It's been a while since I played that piano. Now it just sits there in the living room as a decoration. I had forgotten how beautiful the piano sounds. I closed my eyes. Imagining myself playing the piano, pressing each key, moving my hands across the board.

"How long haven't you played this?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Justin. He looked straight ahead. I swallowed, noticing that my throat went dry. "How long?" He asked again. This time he was looking at me.

"For a while. Why?" I raised my eyebrow.

He shrugs. "No reason. Just wondering. The piano is really dusty." He said cleaning the top of the piano.

I just nod and walked to the kitchen. I opened the pantry and took out 4 chocolate chip cookies. "You remembered the piece," I said while pouring myself some milk.

"Yeah, well at least I do." He said from the piano. I looked at the wall.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I mean that at least I know how to play the piano." I clenched my jaw.

"I do know how to play the piano!" I raised my voice. He can find a way to really get me annoyed.

"Oh really?" I heard him walking towards the kitchen. "Then show me." I looked up and saw that he was leaning against the wall, looking down at his shoes. I crossed my arms.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then that proves that you don't know how to play it anymore." He said looking up. I could hear that he was asking for a challenge in his voice.

"And if I do play it?" I challenged him.

"Then you know." He shrugged. I raised my eyebrows.

"What's the catch?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"What catch?"

I laugh. "Don't act stupid. I practically had grown up with you. I know all your little tricks."

He smirks at me. "You just have to wait and see."

I rolled my eyes. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Fine, I'll do it." I walked to the piano, Justin right behind me. He is probably seeing that I won't run away or chicken out.

I sat on the bench and rested my fingers on the keys. Justin leaned against the piano, looking at me. I cleared my throat and began to play. I quickly moved my hands across the keys. Hearing each cord playing its sound. I never heard anything so beautiful. I miss playing it. That must be why he told me to play. So I can be myself again. I stopped playing because kids at my school thought I sucked. After that, I stopped playing. I closed my eyes and continued to play. It felt like I was the only person here. I smiled once I finished.

"I was wrong. You do remember." Justin said with a smile.

"Apologize," I said, closing the top of the keys. He rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry for underestimating you." I giggled and shakes my head. "Am I forgiven?"

"I'm thinking about it," I said, getting up from the bench. I went back to the kitchen to grab the cookies and milk. As I was about to walk up the stairs, Justin walked in front of me.

"Now the catch." He smirked.

"Dammit! I felt for it!" Justin laughs.

"You need to stop ignoring me. And be nice to me. That is all I am asking." I glare at him.

"There's more. I know how you are. In the end there is always more." I added.

"Oh right, I forgot." He leans and kisses my cheek. My eyes went wide. "Payback is a bitch, isn't it?" I dropped my cookies and punched his arm.

"You asshole!" I punched his arm again. Justin laughs, shaking his head. I giggled a little as I picked up the cookies and ran up to my room.

All I could hear was Justin laughing downstairs.

He is an idiot! Gosh! He is so annoying! I shook my head. A smile crept on my mouth. I sat on my bed and watched the rest of the movie. When it as over I changed into my sweats and went to bed for a nap. Throughout the movie, I realized that Justin was quiet. I shake my head, turned off the table lamp, and rested my head in my pillow.

Then suddenly I heard Justin play the piano again. Only this time the song was 'I Would'. But he wasn't singing. Just playing.

I felt my eyelids get heavy and the last thing I heard was the end of the song and Justin sang, "I would."

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