Chapter 22

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Jasmine POV:

In the distance, I could the sound of cameras clicking. I snapped my eyes open and lifted up my head a little, trying not to wake up the peaceful, sleeping Justin. I noticed that Justin's hat was a few feet away from our feet. I lifted up my head a little bit more so I could get a better view and saw a huge crowd of people, holding huge cameras rushing towards us.


They discovered that the boy who is sleeping on me is the one and only Justin Bieber. I glanced around and saw some of the people staring at us, taking pictures. I gasped and quickly looked down, my cheeks started to heat up. I shook Justin's shoulders, starting to panic.

"Justin!" I hissed under my breath while I violently shook him. His opened slowly and lifted his head to look at me. He rubbed his fist on his eyes, yawning.

"What?" He whined.

Before I could reply to him what was going on, a shout from behind us screamed, "OH MY GOSH!!IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!"

Justin's eyes went so wide that it could of popped out of his head. "Shit." He cursed under his breath. He quickly got up his feet, grabbing my hand and sprinted for it before I had a chance to get ready. He ran with his head down, but now that people saw who he was, that isn't going to help. I winched when Justin grasped so tightly onto my damaged wrist. I bit my lips, preventing me from crying out loud.

"JUSTIN!" A girl screamed from behind us. I turned my head and saw crazed fans following us and right behind them were the paparazzi. I focused back up font, paying attention to where I was going.

"You remember when we were kids," I heard Justin say, panting. "When it was time to leave the park, we would hide from our moms so we can't leave?"

I smiled. I do remember doing that. Justin and I would hide in the playground, and sat very still. But eventually they did find us. "Yeah." I replied. My feet were killing me, my heart was pounding so quickly that it could explode.

"Let's hide." He ran towards the little kids playground. So that's why he mentioned that. He ran through a small crowd of parents, trying to get through. They completely ignored us, probably thinking we were trouble making teens. Once we had it to the playground, he darted towards the rock climbing wall. It was facing towards us, so that means we can hide behind it. He ran around it and slid inside, making my bump my head against the metal.

"Ouch." I muttered, using my free hand to rub it.

"Sorry." Justin replied, with an apologetic tone.

I squat down and followed him inside. Justin tightly gripped onto my waist and brought me down, making me sit on his lap. My cheeks started to warm up. I heard Justin cuss under his breath. He let out a groan, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. "I'm so sorry Jaz." He ran his hand through his hair. "This is all my fault." He tightened the grip on my waist and his hair.

I stared at him and with sympathy. "Justin, this isn't your fault." I muttered.

His eyes flew open, filled with rage. He lifted up his head. "Don't say it isn't my fault, because it is." He spat. "I wanted to protect you from this, and looked what happened." He squinted his eyes at me. "They fucking saw you. In a few minutes, all of this will be in the Internet. Thanks to me."

"Justin, please don't blame yourself, okay? You didn't know that they were coming." I said in a calm tone.

"It's all my fault." Justin muttered, placing his hands on his face, ignoring me.

"Justin!" I hissed. I removed his hands and pulled them towards my face, so they were cupping my face. "Don't you see that it's not your fault. I'm safe because of you. Please don't be harsh on yourself." I felt tears forming on my face.

Hope (Justin Bieber FanFiction) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now