━━ two

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━━ Lunch was uneventful, except for the side-eye Malfoy was giving her. The more he stared, the more unsettled she became. Especially after the strange morning and night she'd had. Harry was getting angrier by the minute, as he always did when Malfoy was messing with Mila. She had already told Harry to sit down twice after he'd snapped and risen to go say something.

"Really Harry, can't you just calm down?" Hermione reasoned, "Ignore him."

Harry glanced at Mila, and then faced Hermione, who sat across from him, "Fine. But if he tries anything, I'll─"

"You'll what?" Mila mused, "Tie his shoe laces together? Make him stop sucking?"

Harry's bad mood dissipated, "Make him bark instead of speak."

Mila laughed, "Now there's an image. I like that one, we'll have to make a spell for that."

"Definitely," Harry grinned. He never stayed in a bad mood long. Hermione had once speculated that Mila could cheer him up about anything, but Mila had brushed her off, stating Harry was just not an angry person by nature.

"So, what's new gang? What did I miss last night?" Mila asked. Hermione and Harry never really followed gossip at school, as it was mostly about the four of them. Ron did, but he wasn't here yet. She had no idea where he had run off too.

"Well Justin Finch-Fletchley asked out Katie Bell. Again. She said no. Again," Hermione said.

"I don't know why he's aiming so high! She's older to begin with, and I really don't think that he's her type," Mila argued. Mostly, she was trying to keep Harry's mind off Malfoy. She didn't care too much about Justin's love life.

"Beats me," Hermione said.

Mila saw Ron run into the Great Hall, grateful for another distraction.

He sat down next to Hermione and began, "I just saw Lupin yell at Snape. It was glorious," Ron said excitedly. It must have been a good chewing out, otherwise Ron wouldn't have been this animated. It was known Snape and Lupin didn't get along, though the specifics of why weren't as widely known. Mila knew it was the same when they were at school, and that's also why Snape didn't like Harry, because of James.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now