━━ twenty seven

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━━ This was, perhaps, one of the more awkward situations she had been in since she returned to Hogwarts.

She sat on her bed with Sirius and Lupin sitting in the one across from her. It felt like there was a vast space between them, which only heightened the way they were all watching each other. Mila's own gaze was wary and defensive.

It was the first time she'd been alone with them. She tried to picture the same scenario: the only difference being Sirius and Lupin twenty years younger.

No one had any idea where to start.

It was only Mila's curiosity that finally enabled them to begin, "What else do you know about my mother?"

She couldn't help it. It was the one thing she kept coming back to. The only wish she wanted to be granted to her. She wanted to discover as much about her parents as she could. The fact she had known one of her parents? That was a whole new ball game.

"You didn't tell us much, Mila," Lupin said.

"I know, but, anything. Please."

Lupin seemed to be more clueless on the subject than Sirius, for it was only him who seemed able to answer this particular question. She wondered why that was. )

Her eyes locked with hers as he answered, "Your mother was──she was very ill. You used to run away from home a lot because you were scared of her.


That wasn't what she wanted to hear. She wanted to hear about having a mother who loved her. Who baked her cookies and brushed her hair. But on top of everything else about Mila, nothing was conventional.

So she decided to switch parents, "So I never mentioned my father?"

Sirius shook his head. She truly hadn't known him, it seemed. Had he even loved her mother? Had he hurt her? He was from a pureblood family who despised anything muggle. Their relationship didn't make any sense, but he had definitely known about Mila. The locket proved that, which led to her next question.

"The locket: did I have it in my ... my first life?" 

Now that was a weird thing to say out loud.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now