━━ four

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( the train )

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the train )



━━ The rest of the holidays passed by uneventfully, and when it was time to leave, Mila was sad to say goodbye. They would get to see Lupin at school, but they wouldn't get to see Sirius until after the Easter break.

Harry still had his side of the two-way mirror, so he could see Sirius when he wanted to, but it wasn't the same. They both hugged him goodbye, and when Lupin left the room, Sirius asked if he could see the map for a second.

He quietly cast a charm on it, one Mila had never heard before, and swiftly handed it back to Harry. Mila didn't know if he knew she had seen, but figured it was his to play with. He was probably just updating it, and hoping Lupin didn't think he was trying to get Harry and Mila to cause trouble.

Sirius was able to accompany them to the train station in his animagus form, and as they stood on the platform he kept jumping up playfully at her as she laughed.

"We have to go now, Sirius," she said, and the dog whined in return. 

She bent down to pet him, "I'm sorry. Thank you for a great Christmas."

It hurt to leave him, but Harry, Mila and Lupin all went to board the train. Lupin said a quick goodbye to the two of them, and went to find some of the other teachers. Harry and Mila found Ron and Hermione in a compartment with Seamus and Dean.

"Hey guys, how was your holiday?" Mila asked the boys as she sat down next to them. She liked Seamus and Dean, she always had good fun when they were around.

They quickly set off to tell her about their Christmas, the pair making her laugh as they told stories about their families. Hermione glanced at her and gave her a look, which Mila took to mean she wanted a break from the boys. They both excused themselves, and decided to take a walk around the train.

They ran into a lot of people, and others had their compartment door open. Mila was met with choruses of ❛ hey Mila ❜ and ❛ how was your holiday, Mila? ❜

Hermione looked at her humorously as the other students continued. 

"It's always like this when I walk with you," she said, and Mila waited for her to elaborate.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now