━━ seventeen

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( the boggart )

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( the boggart )



━━ There was nothing scary about a little girl. Not to most people. And not even to Mila, really. But this particular little girl had the ability to shake her to the core.

The most disturbing thing was that boggart wasn't attacking her. It was trying to make her afraid, and it was working. Because it was crying.

The little girl sat on the ground and cried. Her knees pulled up to her chest, her head in her crossed arms, her weeping only muffled by her buried head. Mila didn't need a single sign to recognise the girl. She knew who it was, and she knew those around her would figure out easily. Because that girl had the same striking red hair as Mila's.

The child was alone. Little Mila was all alone, and it paralyzed her.

Mila's hand shook. Her fist clenched. Her mouth closed tight. She didn't move. The boggart was going to get her. This stupid little girl was going to be her undoing. Everything around her grew darker, similar to an arrival of a dementor. She felt herself growing heavier, she felt like she couldn't draw a breath. It almost felt like a panic attack. She was panicking. She was stuck and she couldn't break free.

And then she felt someone push her. A small movement. A compassionate one. And that person stepped in front of her. The little girl was no longer there. It was changing.

It took her a few seconds to clear her blurred vision, but she recognised the head of silvery blonde hair instantly.

The boggart become corporeal and her savior's worst fear was much like her own. Both were viewing versions of themselves. Mila's had been isolation, abandonment, an empty childhood, a lonely life.

Draco Malfoy's boggart was himself. 

Bearing a mark on his arm that struck fear in many more than just him. He must have known what the boggart would form because he had originally refused to do the exercise. But he was doing it. 

For her.

He cast his spell, and boggart Draco grew hair in every direction until he was just a puddle of platinum locks.

There was no laughter in the class. Mila stood with wide eyes as Draco turned around and gently clutched the sides of her shoulders as he searched her face.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄, discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now