story status.

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hi guys!!

i wanna thank you guys for reading this! i remember when i first read this on ao3, i was completely hooked!! i was very grateful that abrokefangirl let me post this to share the love and share the excitement. 

however, they have not updated this story on their ffn or ao3 account since around march of 2021. due to this hiatus of nearly two years (as of january 20th, 2023), i am going to label it discontinued unless abrokefangirl decides to continue writing. 

then, and only then, will i update this.

i do not appreciate questions about when i will update on my own stories. i get even more annoyed on behalf of other authors, including abrokefangirl. so i ask politely, do not ask when the next update will be coming. i don't know, and i will not push. do not go onto abrokefangirl's accounts and ask them, it is rude and it is annoying when that is the only thing you bother to comment on the book or the only way you interact with the fic in general.

anyways, as of now, i am signing off of this fic. unless you see the number 'thirty seven', any edits i make will purely be for aesthetic purposes. 

thank you guys!!!

love y'all!!!

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